GOST 26131-84
GOST 26131−84 forgings of heat-resistant superalloys. General specifications (with Change No. 1)
GOST 26131−84
Group B03
General specifications
Heat-resisting steel forgings. General specifications
OKP 08 9388
Date of introduction 1985−07−01
Resolution of the USSR State Committee on standards dated March 27, 1984 N 1028 date of introduction is established 01.07.85
Limitation of actions taken by Protocol No. 4−93 of the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (ICS 4−94)
EDITION with Change No. 1, approved in June 1989 (IUS 10−89).
This standard applies to forgings of heat-resistant superalloys fabricated by press forging which are used for further processing.
1.1. Forgings are divided:
by appointment for groups:
for hot forming a,
for cold machining — b;
the surface condition:
machined (by a cutter or abrasive) — Oh;
without turning.
1.2. Depending on the use of forgings made of the types specified in the table.
Type of forgings |
The ratio of the size |
Smooth, round cross-section (rod) |
Smooth square and rectangular (barbell) |
Cylinders (washers) |
Disks (washers) |
2.1. Requirements as to form, length () and height (
) forgings, the allowances and tolerances set in the normative-technical documentation for specific forgings.
2.2. Smooth forgings of round, square and rectangular cross section are made with a diameter (), or with a side of a square (
) 180−450 mm, length 500−2500 mm (dimensional, random or multiples thereof) to the extent permitted.
2.3. Forgings-type disks and cylinders are made weighing from 180 to 550 kg. Weight and dimensions set in the normative-technical documentation for specific forgings.
2.4. Limit deviations from the size for machined forgings establish the following:
after roughing tool… ±3 mm;
after abrasive Stripping… ±5 mm.
Machined forgings are made without removal of the holes for the centers.
2.5. The legend of forgings are placed according to the scheme:
Examples of symbols:
Forging a smooth circular cross-section, with a diameter of 240 mm and a length of 1400 mm, intended for hot forming of alloy types KHN78T according to GOST 5632−72, with the inspection of internal defects by ultrasonic inspection:
Forging type cylinders, machined, with a mass of 300 kg, intended for the cold machining of the brand of alloy HN77TYUR with GOST 5632−72:
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
3.1. Forgings of heat-resistant alloys shall be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard, standards or technical conditions, technological regulations, approved in a prescribed manner.
3.2. The chemical composition of the alloy is established in the normative-technical documentation (NTD) for forgings.
3.3. Forgings are manufactured without heat treatment.
3.4. On the surface of forgings is not permitted films, Sakova, flaw, delamination, cracks, and slag inclusions. Surface defects should be removed by gentle cutting or Stripping. The width of the cutting or Stripping shall be not less than six times its depth. The depth of the cutting or Stripping neobetanin defects in forgings shall not exceed the total limit deviations on size, starting from the nominal value, and turned on — should not exceed 15 mm on the side of the actual size.
On the surface of the forgings group «a» are allowed without Stripping some small risks, dents and Rabina within the negative maximum deviations.
On the surface of the forgings group b allowed without Stripping local defects when their depth is such that machining is not less than 25% of the nominal of the unilateral allowance.
By forging such as cylinders and discs may be Stripping the ends defects to a depth of not more than 10 mm, and with lateral surface not more than 20 mm, bringing the forging beyond the borders of the mass.
3.5. The macrostructure of the forgings should not have traces of shrinkage, podsadecki porosity, voids, cracks, slag and foreign inclusions, delaminations, scabs and crowns.
3.6. Forgings-type disks and cylinders, and at the request of the consumer and smooth round and square, should not have internal defects exceeding the established 1st group-quality according to GOST 21120−75.
3.7. The requirements for mechanical properties at room and elevated temperatures long-term strength and hardness are established in NTD for forgings.
3.8. At the request of the consumer forgings are made with a normalized degree okowa. Standards forging grade are established in NTD for forgings.
4.1. Forgings are taking parties. The party should consist of forgings of one melting, one destination and type and be accompanied by a document of quality in accordance with GOST 7566−94.
When vacuum-arc smelting for smelting accept ingots smelted from one of the electrodes of the melting in the mold section, with identical electric mode.
4.2. Size, weight, surface quality (appearance) and internal defects check for each of the forging of the party.
4.3. To check the chemical composition of the sample size — according to GOST 7565−81.
4.4. To test mechanical properties at room and elevated temperatures, long durability, firmness and control of the macrostructure is shown in one sample from the party.
Allowed to the manufacturer of forgings to test on one sample from melting.
4.5. If unsatisfactory test results of at least one of the indicators it is carried out re-testing at twice the sample. The results of repeated tests apply to the entire party.
5.1. Appearance forgings checked visually.
5.2. The dimensions of the forgings test metal rulers manufactured according to GOST 427−75, or other measuring tools that provide required accuracy of measurement.
5.3. Samples for the determination of the chemical composition selected according to GOST 7565−81.
Chemical analysis carried out according to GOST 12344−88*, GOST 12345−2001, 12346−78 GOST, GOST 12347−77, 12348−78 GOST, GOST 12349−83, 12350−78 GOST, GOST 12351−81**, 12352−81 GOST, GOST 12353−78, 12354−81 GOST, GOST 12355−78, 12356−81 GOST, GOST 12357−84, 12358−2002 GOST, GOST 12359−99, 12360−82 GOST, GOST 12361−2002, 12362−79 GOST, GOST 12363−79, 12364−84 GOST, GOST 24018.0−90, GOST 24018.1−80, GOST 24018.2−80, GOST 24018.3−80,GOST 24018.4−80, GOST 24018.5−80, GOST 24018.6−80, GOST 28473−90 or other methods of equal precision measurement requirements of the standards.
* On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST 12344−2003;
** On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST 12351−2003. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
5.4. Mechanical properties, hardness, creep strength is controlled in two longitudinal samples for each testing cut from the samples with a side of a square 80−100 mm, reforged from the workpiece. The axis of the cut samples should coincide with the middle of the radius of the circle inscribed in the cross section of the sample.
To check mechanical properties, hardness and long durability reforged samples of square section with a side of 80−100 mm is subjected to heat treatment. In NTD allowed to install other sizes of the samples for heat treatment.
Other requirements for making samples according to GOST 7564−97.
5.5. Tensile test at room temperature is carried out according to GOST 1497−84, at elevated temperatures, according to GOST 9561−91 on two samples five times the length of a diameter of 5 or 10 mm.
When you change the mode of heat treatment, tensile tests, impact strength, creep strength, hardness are the primary (and conducted on the same sample for each test).
5.6. Test long-term strength is carried out according to GOST 10145−81 on two samples 5 mm in diameter.
5.7. Test for impact strength is carried out according to GOST 9454−78 on two samples of type 1.
5.8. Brinell hardness number is determined on the thermally treated samples or samples according to GOST 9012−59.
5.9. Internal defects in forgings determined by ultrasonic inspection according to GOST 21120−75 or according to the method of the manufacturer, agreed in the prescribed manner.
5.10. Control of the macrostructure of the forgings is carried out according to GOST 22838−77 or according to the method of the manufacturer, agreed in the prescribed manner.
6.1. Packing, marking, transportation and storage — by GOST 7566−94.
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Forgings of iron and steel: Sat. standards. -
M.: IPK Publishing house of standards, 2003