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Cobalt metal production


Supplier "Auremo" offers high quality products that meet GOST and international standards. Due to the development of modern technologies in metallurgy, the production of cobalt metal on an industrial scale is possible as:

  • a by-product of nickel production;
  • a by-product of copper production (including some other elements);
  • a byproduct of precious metal production;
  • main cobalt production.

If cobalt is smelted in a vacuum arc furnace, it is necessary to eliminate the formation of. by-product arcs between the electrode and the crystallizer wall for stable arc combustion. Arc melting gives cobalt ingots of high brittleness, because impurities are released at the grain boundary: oxides, carbides, nitrides. But if cobalt is initially melted in an electron-beam furnace, the content of impurities decreases. However, ingots after electron-beam refining smelting have a very coarse-crystalline structure. Therefore, after electron-beam melting the ingots are remelted in an arc furnace. Small amounts of zirconium or niobium carbides are added to refine grains during arc smelting. Recently, smelting in plasma furnaces in argon or argon-hydrogen plasma jet has become widespread.

Powder metallurgy

The technology of manufacturing cobalt semi-finished products by means of powder metallurgy should be singled out. It is it that allows you to give the metal special properties as well as increase manufacturability. At the same time, this method is not suitable for the production of large-sized blanks. In such cases, hydrostatic pressing is used.


Supplier Auremo offers to buy cobalt and cobalt alloys in bulk or in installments. Large selection of semi-finished products in stock. Optimal price from the supplier. Wholesale customers - favorable price. All products are certified. Courier service will deliver your order as soon as possible. Buy cobalt today.

Buy cobalt, a favorable price.

Supplier Auremo is a recognized expert in the metals market. Thanks to our representative offices in Eastern Europe we are able to promptly interact with our trading partners. Auremo's experience makes it easy for you to buy cobalt. The range includes not only rare-earth metals, but also heat-resistant and structural alloys. We make it easy to buy cobalt or any other metal. Auremo is a reliable supplier of rolled metal products and invites you to become a partner. We have the best price-quality ratio. The best price from the supplier.

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