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Applications of cobalt


  • Nuclear energy: cobalt is successfully used in elementary particle gas pedals).
  • Metallurgy: production of special steels and superalloys (as an alloying component or base alloy);
  • A wide sphere of use of this metal is represented by manufacturers of: thermoelectric generators;
  • power-consuming batteries (high efficiency positive electrode);
  • electric motors;
  • transformers;
  • permanent magnets;
  • tool steel (drills and cutters, carbide plates) are used as a cutting element in the tool processing of metal. Such products are divided into 2 types: solderable and replaceable. The advantage of the latter is that with their help several different operations can be carried out sequentially on one machine tool. In the production of carbide plates (BK6, BK60M, BK8, BK10) cobalt is used;:
  • industrial chemistry (as a catalyst);
  • Aviation: parts of gas-turbine engines, wing airframe cladding and fuselage fairings. Cobalt, like other refractory metals, retains its strength properties when exposed to high temperatures.
  • medicine: cobalt gun is used in radiotherapy of malignant tumors. The radioactive isotope of cobalt makes it possible to determine the degree of absorption of B vitamins - the so-called Schilling test.

Due to its high performance qualities, cobalt and cobalt alloys are widely used by modern industry. With the advent of such new-generation materials, it became possible to improve many technological processes where production is associated with the action of high temperatures and aggressive environments. Thanks to these materials it became possible to provide long-term reliable operation of the whole complex of equipment in a wide range of temperatures.


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