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For steelmakers British Steel will allocate three percent of the total turnover of the company

12 February 2017

Executive Director, British Steel Roland Junck gave an extensive interview to the British press. The reason for this, was a positive profit over the last year. Currently, the economy of the company is restored. Now the profits the company is rapidly moving to the coveted Douste millions of pounds.

In the past year, British Steel was able to conclude a number of successful contacts. One of the most important was the contract with British nuclear power station — Hinkley Point. The amount of this contract is two million pounds. Because of this, British Steel were able to reduce the company’s total debt, which amounts to eighty million pounds.

According to Roland, the Junk, in June will be restored to the three percent calculation of the allowance for collective. This was the British steel company said in September 2016. For four thousandth collective of British Steel, the surcharge will be a great incentive.

In line with the recent financial report published on the website of the company significantly increased profit. The increase, at least, amounted to twenty percent.

In conversation with the press Roland Junck said: «our main goal is to achieve a profit of one hundred million pounds. But despite all our efforts to this figure this year will fail. However, we already have a plan as such to get profits. British Steel intend to get rid of a loss of eighty million pounds. And also to achieve income in a hundred and, perhaps, a hundred and twenty million pounds.»

In addition, Executive Director said: «investment in the future, our workforce and the enterprise — the success of the company. In addition, so we will be able to maintain the positive momentum in the work. We intend to do everything that our products satisfy the most demanding customers. In the near future, the company will invest in the development of energoeffektivnosti. And also, we will develop techniques for improving the quality of products.»

Roland Junck said that market fluctuations could not strongly affect the state of the company. The rising cost of coal, scrap and iron ore, as well as jumps in the exchange rate complicate the business. But the company was able to take a good position in the market and is unlikely to slow down. Junk assured in the future success of British Steel on the world market.

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