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CHTPZ best wishes

31 December 2016

In anticipation of the upcoming New 2017 it’s time to take stock of the passing year, and award the winners well-deserved awards. Has not violated this rule and Chelyabinsk tube rolling plant, noting the best employees. At the concert there were congratulations from the leaders and colleagues were awarded prizes. To delight in a lot, because in 2016, the company has met all its production targets. On the achievements of the said Alexander Fyodorov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the plant. The company managed to win the tender. For the past two years will be delivery of products, the volume of which will amount to 600 000 tonnes.

Traditionally the main event of the evening was the awarding of «Reliability», «Empathy», «Creativity» and «Health» to the winners of the «Golden Fund» of corporate competition. The winners received statuettes, diplomas and money rewards. Decent work white metallurgists were awarded with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who visited the company «ETERNO» in December of this year. Alexander Fedorov is sure that in 2017, the success of the enterprise will be even more significant. Because the coming period brings with it the anniversary — the 75th anniversary of the Chelyabinsk plant.

This year is the year at CTRP summarizes quite unusual. Thanks to the creative collectives of Palace of culture pipe manufacturers had the opportunity to listen to favorite songs. Another nice innovation — the exchange of video cards groups CHTPZ and PNTZ. His impressions of organized event shared awarded to staff. Dmitry Petukhov, being the best Nagravision metal enterprises in 2016, works in a factory for 21 years. According to him, the reward is worthy of the mark of his merit. As Dmitry confessed this to him, to change it to something else he’s not going. Daniel Vakhrushev, as a distributor of tubular products, working in the company less than Dmitri. However, his achievements are no less impressive — in 2016 it is recognized as the most productive sales Manager. However, Daniel is sure that awarded him the award of merit of the whole team.

For metallurgists CHTPZ 2016 year ended quite successfully. However, beginning 2017, must be not less impressive. Metallurgists put ourselves new ambitious goals, fully expecting success.

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