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Manufacturers of rebar, the United States insists on anti-dumping investigation

26 September 2016

Manufacturers of rebar in the United States are not far behind from the manufacturers of sheet products. National company write a petition to the U.S. Department of Commerce. At the same time the complaint is sent and the international trade Commission. In the claims expressed in the request for anti-dumping investigation concerning imports of rebar. In the list of offenders got the Turkish, Taiwanese and Japanese companies. At the same time, domestic producers need to investigate the possibility of subsidising exports of rebar from Turkey. Unhappy companies merged in Rebar Trade Action Coalition. The coalition includes Steel Dynamics, Bayou Steel Group Commercial Metals Company, Byer Steel Group, Nucor, Gerdau.

Representatives of the Coalition considered the time interval from 2013 to 2015. During this period, the imported volume increased 2.6 times. In 2015, the share of these products in the U.S. market amounted to 22.4%. While in 2013 this figure was only 9.5%. This jump in volume has caused damage to American manufacturers. They lost part of their market. In the end had to reduce production volumes together with the cost of production. Members of the Coalition have calculated estimated dumping margins in the supply of foreign rebar from these countries. She was of 86.12% to 206,17%.

U.S. customs has provided their own statistical data. In accordance with the delivery of 2015 amounted to 1.82 million tons of foreign reinforcement. Compared with the previous year the number of imported products increased by 40%. The volume for January-July of current year has increased by 7.5% compared to the same period last year. In numerical terms, the indicators have reached 1.20 million tons. The Japanese, Turkish and Taiwanese vendors accounted for 91.3% of total supply. By the way — Russian suppliers are also included among those imported rebar in the US. The volume of Russian exports reached 20,000 tons. American consumers of this batch arrived in April.

In the last few years the place of the leader is Turkey. For seven months of this year Turkish producers sent to the USA almost 880000 tons of goods. In total import volume the share of Turkish suppliers have to 73.5%. USA in 2016 are on the second position among consumers of Turkish rebar. In the first place of the UAE. This is not the first investigation against a Turkish supply. In 2014, the facts of dumping were not found, in that it could all be different.

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