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Indian authorities have installed a new anti-dumping duties

23 August 2016

The Indian Ministry of Finance has established a new anti-dumping duties. Their duration will be six months. Duties are imposed on cold-rolled carbon and alloy steel products. Tariffs will be used against Chinese, Ukrainian, Japanese and South Korean products. The size of the fee represents the difference between the contractual value of goods and CFR 594 USD/ton. Accordingly, the prescribed fee can be equated to the minimum import cost. However, the imposition of minimum import prices barely fit into the rules of the WTO. The imposition of anti — dumping tariff measure is legal. After the end of the period may be extended for another five years.

Earlier, the Indian government has launched similar anti-dumping tariffs. They were applied to hot rolled metal. Taxes affect Brazilian, Indonesian, Russian, Japanese, South Korean products. For sheet steel has established a minimum value for CFR at the level of USD 474/t. The plate steel has set the price of USD 557/tonne CFR.

In early February the government of India introduced a minimum import price. She raised 173 product of steel. With the onset of August restriction was extended for a period of two months. The list was reduced to 66 categories. The list did not get cold-rolled or hot-rolled sheet products. But the minimum cost for these products is preserved. Name products were rated more.

Set anti-dumping tariffs on hot-rolled flat-rolled products will be in effect until Feb 2017. Information was provided by the Department of revenue of the Indian Ministry of Finance. Fee in the amount of USD 474/tonne was imposed on flat products of non-alloy carbon metal. Production width is up to 2100 mm, thickness up to 25 mm. a Fee of USD 557/tonne were imposed on non-alloy carbon steel plates and sheets. Its width was up to 4950 mm, thickness up to 150 mm.

Was published the results of a preliminary investigation in relation to the products. According to them, the cost of flat hot-rolled steel from six countries were below the permissible value. In the result, the Indian steelmakers have suffered material losses. Undertaken by the government measures are intended to protect domestic businesses from cheap imports.

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