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Uchalinsky GOK continues to modernize

13 March 2016

Uchalinsky Mining and Processing Plant is an enterprise of raw complex of UMMC. Today the mine continues to implement technical armament program. The second stage includes the modernization of the grinding department of the enterprise. At the previous level Plant made replacement of four ball mills. They were replaced by mills made by PJSC «Uralmash». The main difference — with a larger diameter drum. This change made it possible to increase the volume of feedstock annually. Previously, he was 6.105 million tons, after upgrading the level will reach 6.35 million tons.

The second stage was installed automated pump-hydrocyclone units. Their producer of the Russian company «Engineering Kit». The main use of the equipment — the classification of raw materials, the supply of which is produced in the ball mill. The principle of action is similar to the setting of the centrifuge. In it at a high speed large particles are eliminated, and then fall back into the mill. Smaller elements are displaced in the central sector, since the plant has a conical shape. From there they moved to the further process.

Technical modernization of the Department of grinding is carried out in the framework of the activities developed. They are aimed at increasing technological parameters Uchaly GOK. Replacement hydrocyclone installations could spend up to 14 days. experts «Energoremont» Ltd have been engaged in the process. According to the schedule the second phase will be completed by 6 April. This is planned to achieve design performance.

After modernization, hydrocyclone plants and mills will allow the stabilization of the fineness of grinding in the production cycle. It is necessary to take into account conditions complicating the composition of processed ore. In this case, the percentage of recovery of valuable components will be increased. Prior to the implementation of the project has reached 45−48% fineness, the class size 74mkm. After the reconstruction, the estimated figures are the fineness of 55−57%. After modernization, using new equipment, it will be possible to grind about 57% of raw materials to 74mkm. Moreover, the ore will not need to re-return to the process.

At this point you are debugging the process operating conditions of equipment. The implementation of the first two phases of the program requested a re-investment in the amount of 180 mln. RUB.

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