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Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex: Results 2013

21 January 2014

Leaders and heads of departments, as well as leading experts Almalyk MMC summed up the work carried out at the end of 2013. According to Alexander Farmanov, General Director of the JSC «Almalyk MMC» in the analysis work was the undoubted fact that the company has fulfilled almost all its obligations, and almost all the departments implement the plan in full. In particular, the raw material processing performed by 100.2 percent, scheduled content in copper concentrate corresponds to 100.7 percent and 102.6 percent molybdenum. Production of anode and blister copper was 100 percent, 102.1 percent of copper cathode. The planned mining of copper ore already at the end of November 2013 conducted on 103,7protsenta while Kalmakyr mine complied with the amount of work by 102.9 percent, and Sarah-Ceku quarry at 105.5 percent. Speaking of ore production growth rate may be noted that it amounted to 107.6 percent at the end of 2013, and the percentage of stripping operations amounted to 113.5 percent, while the careers of Sarah-Ceku fulfilled the plan by 105.5 percent, and Kalmakyr Mine 114, 4 percent.

Do not let down and gold mines, to fulfill the plan for the extraction of gold ore by 105 percent, and for processing of raw materials to 104 percent. Almost fully fulfill their «Khandiza» mine administration tasks and Research and Production Center «Geology of non-ferrous metals».

Overfulfilled indicators for the production of copper sulfate, they accounted for at year-end

126.4 percent, for the production of enameled wires plan was fulfilled by 100 percent, consumer goods amounted to 100.2 percent, and community services accounted for 109.1 percent.

Nevertheless, the end of November 2013 was a success is not in all respects, as the safety and the health and safety can not be considered satisfactory, given the accidents committed by negligence. In this regard, management has paid special attention to health and safety in offices and shops complex.

Separately dealt with the planning of the work at the beginning of 2014, also given explanations on utility bills and estimated the proposed mechanism for payment of accounts staff divisions and departments for providing gas and electricity.

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