Steel 10KH23N18 (0Х23Н18)
Name |
The value |
Designation GOST Cyrillic |
10Х23Н18 |
Designation GOST Latin |
10X23H18 |
Transliteration |
10H23N18 |
The chemical elements |
10Cr23Н18 |
Name |
The value |
Designation GOST Cyrillic |
0Х23Н18 |
Designation GOST Latin |
0X23H18 |
Transliteration |
0H23N18 |
The chemical elements |
0Cr23Н18 |
10KH23N18 steel is used: for the manufacture of sheet metal parts, pipes, fittings (at low loads), operating at +1000 °C; pipes and fittings installations of methane conversion and pyrolysis; aviation parts; all connections of equipment installed in radioactive environments.
Heat-resistant steel and heat resistant austenitic class.
The recommended maximum operating temperature for a long time +1000 °C.
Temperature intense scaling in air +1050 °C.
In the temperature range 600−800 °C is prone to embrittlement due to the formation of σ-phase.
Name |
Code |
Standards |
Sectional and shaped rolling |
В22 |
GOST 1133-71, GOST 2590-2006, GOST 2591-2006, GOST 2879-2006 |
Sheets and stripes |
В23 |
GOST 19903-74, GOST 103-2006, GOST 19903-90 |
Metal forming. Forgings |
В03 |
GOST 25054-81 |
Sheets and stripes |
В33 |
GOST 4405-75 |
Classification, nomenclature and general norms |
В30 |
GOST 5632-72 |
Sectional and shaped rolling |
В32 |
GOST 5949-75, GOST 7417-75, GOST 8559-75, GOST 8560-78, GOST 14955-77, TU 14-1-377-72, TU 14-11-245-88 |
Pipes steel and connecting parts to them |
В62 |
GOST 9940-81, GOST 9941-81, TU 14-158-135-2003, TU 14-158-137-2003, TU 14-3-1654-89 |
Bulls. Blanks. Slabs |
В21 |
OST 1 90176-75 |
Bulls. Blanks. Slabs |
В31 |
OST 3-1686-90, TU 14-1-565-84 |
Welding and cutting of metals. Soldering, riveting |
В05 |
OST 95 10441-2002 |
Thermal and thermochemical treatment of metals |
В04 |
STP 26.260.484-2004 |
Chemical composition
Standard |
C |
S |
P |
Mn |
Cr |
Si |
Ni |
Fe |
Cu |
V |
Ti |
Mo |
W |
GOST 5632-72 |
≤0.1 |
≤0.02 |
≤0.035 |
≤2 |
22-25 |
≤1 |
17-20 |
The rest |
≤0.3 |
≤0.2 |
≤0.2 |
≤0.3 |
≤0.2 |
TU 14-158-137-2003 |
≤0.1 |
≤0.02 |
≤0.035 |
≤2 |
22-25 |
≤1 |
17-20 |
The rest |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Fe is the basis.
According to TU 14-158-137-2003, cerium and other rare-earth metals can be introduced by 0.2-0.3%, which are not determined by chemical analysis.
Mechanical characteristics
Section, mm |
sT|s0,2, MPa |
σB, MPa |
d5, % |
y, % |
Brinell hardness number, MPa |
Annealing in air or in water from 1100-1150 °C (samples transverse) |
≥4 |
≥175 |
≥490 |
≥40 |
≥55 |
- |
0.2-22 |
- |
≥529 |
≥35 |
- |
- |
Sheets hot - and cold-rolled. Annealing in air or in water 1080-1150 °C (samples transverse) |
≤3.9 |
- |
≥510 |
≥35 |
- |
- |
Forgings up to 1000 mm. Hardening in air or in water from 1000-1050 °C |
≥196 |
≥490 |
≥35 |
≥40 |
≥179 |
Bars hot rolled and forged according to GOST 5949-75. Annealing in air or in water 1100-1150 °C |
≥196 |
≥490 |
≥35 |
≥50 |
- |
Bars hot rolled and forged at STP 26.260.484-2004. Quenching in water or air from 1100-1150 °C |
≥200 |
≥500 |
≥35 |
≥40 |
- |
Hot-deformed seamless tubes in the delivery condition (specified wall thickness) |
3.5-32 |
- |
≥491 |
≥37 |
- |
- |
Cold-rolled tubes after austenization on delivery |
- |
≥529 |
≥35 |
- |
- |
Forming at OST 1 90176-75. Quenching in water or air from 1100-1150 °C |
≥216 |
≥569 |
≥35 |
≥50 |
- |
Description mechanical marks
Name |
Description |
Section |
Section |
sT|s0,2 |
Yield strength or limit of proportionality with a tolerance for residual deformation of 0.2% |
σB |
Limit short-term strength |
d5 |
Elongation after rupture |
y |
The relative narrowing |
Physical characteristics
Temperature |
r, кг/м3 |
0 |
7950 |
A description of the physical symbols
Name |
Description |
Е |
The normal elasticity modulus |
r |
Density |
l |
Coefficient of thermal conductivity |
R |
UD. the resistivity |
Technological properties
Name |
The value |
Weldability |
recommended for NPP equipment for automatic arc welding submerged arc, manual arc welding with coated electrodes, combined welding methods |
Propensity to temper brittleness |
inclined |
Features of heat treatment |
Steel products, designed for operation in conditions of increased requirements for heat resistance and heat resistance, are subjected to quenching in water or air at 1100-1150 °C. the holding Time at the heating for hardening to products with a wall thickness up to 10 mm - 30 min, over 10 mm - 20 min + 1 min per 1 mm maximum thickness. |