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Steel 06Х16Н15М3К

Steel 1Х14Н14В2М (ЭИ257) Steel 13Х15Н4АМ3 (EP310; VNS-5) Steel 15X11MF (1X11MF) Steel 15Х12ВНМФ (ЭИ802) Steel 15Х12Н2МВФАБ (EP517) Steel 15Х16К5Н2МВФАБ (EP866; VNS-30) Steel 16Х11Н2В2МФ (ЭИ962А) Steel 16Х12ВМСФ5Р Steel 16X12MVSFBR (EP823) 18X11MNFB steel (EP291) Steel 18Х12ВМБФР (ЭИ993) Steel 18Х14Н4АМ3 (VNS-43) 18Kh15N3M steel (DI1) Steel 13Х11Н2В2МФ (ЭИ961; ВНС-33) Steel 20X12VNMF (EP428; 20X12VNMF-S (EP427-S)) Steel 25Х13Н2ВМФ (EP65; 2Х13НВМФ) Steel 25Х18Н10В2 (EP610) Steel 25Х18Н8В2 (ЭИ946) Steel 31Х19Н9МВБТ (ЭИ572) Steel 37Х12Н8Г8МФБ (ЭИ481) Steel 40Х15Н7Г7Ф2МС (ЭИ388) Steel 42Х11М3Ф (EP890) Steel 45Х14Н14В2М (ЭИ69) Steel 45Х14Н14СВ2М (ЭИ240) Steel X12H20T2P (EI696A) X14H8M2 steel (EP509) Cr18N13C2AMVF5P steel Steel 09Х14Н19В2БР1 (ЭИ726) Steel 01X19Yu3Bch (EP904; 02X18Yu3B) Steel 04Х15Н11С3МТ Steel 06X14H5MF Steel 06Х16Н15М3Б (ЭИ847; 06Х16Н15М3Б) 06X16H15M3K steel Steel 07Х25Н16АГЦ (EP781) Steel 08X14MF Steel 08Х15Н24В4ТР (EP164) Steel 08Х15Н25М3ТЮБ Steel 08Х15Н5Д2Т (EP410; VNS-2; EP225) Steel 08Х16Н13М2Б (ЭИ680) Steel 09X14H16B (EI694) Steel 09X14H19V2BR (EI695R) Steel 13Х14Н3В2ФР (ЭИ736; 513Л) Steel 09Х16Н13М3 (ЭИ592) Steel 09Х16Н15М3Б Steel 09Х16Н16МВ2БР (ЭП184; Х16Н16МВ2БР) Steel 09Х16Н7М2Ю (ЗИ65) 10GN2MFA steel Steel 10Х11Н20Т3Р (ЭИ696) Steel 10Х11Н23Т3МР (ЭП33; ЭЦ696) Steel 10Х12Н22Т3МРУ (EP33U) Steel 10Х15Н28В2М4Б (EP485) Steel 10Х15Н9С3Б1 (EP302) 10Х9НСМФБ steel Steel 11Х11Н2В2МФ (ЭИ962)


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic 06Х16Н15М3К
Designation GOST Latin 06X16H15M3K
Transliteration 06H16N15M3K
The chemical elements 06Cr16Н15Mo3


06Х16Н15М3К steel is used: for the production of bars with special surface finish (silverfish), intended for the manufacture of parts of power equipment continuously operating at temperatures up to +450 °C.


Steel heat-resistant austenitic class.
The recommended maximum operating temperature for a very long time +450 °C.
The temperature of beginning of intensive scaling in air +900 °C.


Name Code Standards
Sectional and shaped rolling В32 TU 14-1-977-74

Chemical composition

Standard C S P Mn Cr Si Ni Fe Mo Nb
TU 14-1-977-74 0.04-0.08 ≤0.015 ≤0.02 ≤0.8 15-17 ≤0.4 14-16 The rest 2.7-3.3 0.4-0.9
Fe is the basis.
According to TU 14-1-977-74, the chemical composition is presented for steel grade 06H16N15M3K-III. The ratio of niobium to carbon Nb / C should be within the range of 9-13, a reduction in the Nb / C ratio up to 8 is allowed. A deviation of the content of individual elements is possible provided that the remaining requirements of the technical conditions are met: for niobium - plus 0.20%, for carbon - plus 0.010% / minus 0.005%, for silicon - plus 0.20%.

Mechanical characteristics

Section, mm sT|s0,2, MPa σB, MPa d5, %
The silverfish in the state of delivery on the other 14-1-977-74. Extract at 920-970 °C, for 40-60 minutes, cooling in water or air
10-20 ≥215 ≥540 ≥30

Description mechanical marks

Name Description
Section Section
sT|s0,2 Yield strength or limit of proportionality with a tolerance for residual deformation of 0.2%
σB Limit short-term strength
d5 Elongation after rupture

Technological properties

Name The value
Macrostructure and contamination In the macrostructure of steel on the other 14-1-977-74 controlled 2 treated templeto selected from two workpieces with a diameter of 80-110 mm of each heat, there should be no cracks, gas bubbles, traces of shrinkage, inclusions, niobium crust, delamination, visible to the naked eye. Allowed: - at the Central porosity ≤ 1 point; - at the point of heterogeneity of ≤ 1 point; - phase separation to the square of ≤ 1 point. Layer-by-layer crystallization in the macrostructure of rejection symptom is not. Contamination of metal non-metallic inclusions is tested on 6 samples cut from 2 samples taken from 2 pieces with a diameter of 80-110 mm. In the metal allowed the presence of non-metallic inclusions by the maximum score: - sulphides ≤ 1.0 points, oxides of point ≤ 2.0 points; - oxides of stroke ≤ 2.0 points, silicates, non-deformed ≤ 1.0 points; - nitrides and carbonitrides point ≤ 3.5 points; - nitrides and carbonitrides of niobium stroke ≤ 3.5 points.
Features of production On the other 14-1-977-74 Serebryanka is supplied in heat-treated according to the mode: Exposure at 920-970 °C, for 40-60 minutes, cooling in water or air. Before the heat treatment, the metal must be subjected to drawing with a reduction degree of not less than 20 %. The grain size in points should not exceed 7.
Corrosion resistance Steel on the other 14-1-977-74 must withstand the test of the ICC method AM (24 hours) according to GOST 6032 pre austenization samples at the temperature of 1050-1100 °C with cooling in air or in water and precipitating by heating at a temperature of 650 °C for 2 hours. The test is performed on 2 specimens cut from 2 samples taken from 2 pieces with a diameter of 80-110 mm of each heat..

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