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Solder ВПр11-40N


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic ВПр11-40Н
Designation GOST Latin BPp11-40H
Transliteration VPr11-40N
The chemical elements ВPr11-40Ni


Solder ВПр11−40N is applied: for the soldering of details of aircraft engines and other high-loaded parts, providing seam strength 80% of the strength of the base material at the brazing temperature range from 980 °C to 1020 °C.


High temperature solders based on Nickel is a powder with a particle size up to 250 microns, obtained by spraying in inert gases of the molten metal melted in a vacuum induction furnace.


Name Code Standards
Solid alloys, metal-ceramic products and powders, metal В56 TU 1-809-108-91

Chemical composition

Standard C Cr Si Ni Fe Al B
TU 1-809-108-91 0.5-0.6 14-16 4-5 The rest 3-5 0.1-1 2-3
Ni is the basis.
According to TU 1-809-108-91, the chemical composition of the VPP11 solder powder is given, which forms the basis (60%) of the high-temperature solder VPr11-40H. The total amount of impurities of tin, lead and bismuth in solder VPr11 should not exceed 0.5%.
The filler consists of nickel (base), silicon (1.80-2.20%) and boron (0.60-1.20%). The total amount of impurities of tin, lead and bismuth in the filler should also not exceed 0.5%.

Technological properties

Name The value
Features of production Solder ВПр11-40N is a mechanical mixture of granules of ВПр11 - 60% (by weight) - Filler - 40 % (by weight). Granules solder ВПр11-40N and its components: ВПр11 and filler to ВПр11 made and supplied separately, either in the form of a mechanical mixture ВПр11-40N.
Melting temperature Melting point ВПр11 980-1020 °C (ВПр11); the melting point of the filler 1150 - 1400 °C.

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