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Solder pzhk-35


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic ПЖК-35
Designation GOST Latin PZhK-35
Transliteration PGK-35
The chemical elements ПFeCo-35


Solder pzhk-35 is used: for the production of ribbons and strips of a thickness of 0.12 to 1.00 and a minimum width of 60 mm, used for soldering products.


Name Code Standards
Sheets and stripes В53 TU 1-5-096-80

Chemical composition

Standard Mn Cr Ni B Co
TU 1-5-096-80 34-37 17-20 The rest 0.1-0.2 8-10
Ni is the basis.
According to TU 1-5-096-80 boron is introduced by calculation and its content is not determined. The total content of impurities in solder is not more than 2%, including silicon not more than 0.80%, iron not more than 1.50%.

Technological properties

Name The value
Macrostructure and contamination The surface of the strips, the strips must be clean, free of oxides and delamination. On the surface of ribbons, bands, allowed nicks, fingerprints, dents, traces of abrasive Stripping, scratches, sinks-wdwy stains from water stains and other defects without pollution, if they control the sweep display no tape for the limit deviation on thickness. The color of the surface of the belts and bands and defect "rolled bubble" established by the standards agreed with the developer. Allowed across the strip, strip light waviness.

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