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Cast iron ИЧХ28Н2


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic ИЧХ28Н2
Designation GOST Latin IChX28H2
Transliteration IChH28N2
The chemical elements ИZrCr28Н2


Cast iron ИЧХ28Н2 used: for the manufacture of castings hydraulics groundwater pumps hydroabrasive mixture with high resistance against abrasive wear.


Iron brand ИЧХ28Н, is melted in a basic and acidic electric arc and induction furnaces.


Name Code Standards
Castings of cast iron (gray and malleable cast iron) В81 TU 26-06-1484-87, TU 1-812-0072-94

Chemical composition

Standard C S P Mn Cr Si Ni Fe
TU 26-06-1484-87 2.5-3 ≤0.08 ≤1 0.5-1 25-30 0.7-1.4 1.5-3 The rest
Fe is the basis.
According to TU 26-06-1484-87, in order to save nickel, some of it can be replaced by copper (1.0% of nickel is replaced by 2.0% of copper), but not exceeding its maximum solubility. The total mass fraction of nickel and copper in cast iron should not exceed 5.0%. In order to increase the wear resistance, it is possible to apply the modification and microalloying of cast iron with titanium (0.10-0.40%), vanadium (0.10-0.30%), boron (0.01-0.030%). At the same time, the chromium content should be in the range 25.0-27.0%, and of nickel 0.40-0.70%.

Mechanical characteristics

Brinell hardness number, MPa HRC
Casting on the other 26-06-1484-87. Normalization (hardening) at 950-1000 °C (heating rate 50 °C/h, endurance 3 h), air cooling
500-550 52-56
Casting on the other 26-06-1484-87. Vacation at 300-350 °C (heating rate 50 °C/h, endurance 3 h), air cooling
500-550 52-56
Casting on the other 26-06-1484-87. Softening annealing at 730-750 °C (heating rate 50 °C/h, exposure for 4-6 h), cooling with the furnace
370-430 39-46
Casting on the other 26-06-1484-87. Stress relieving: Vacation at 550-580 °C (heating rate 50 °C/h, endurance 3 h), air cooling
420-580 44-58

Description mechanical marks

Name Description
HRC Rockwell hardness (indenter diamond spheroconical)

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