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Cast iron CHN2H


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic ЧН2Х
Designation GOST Latin ChH2X
Transliteration ChN2H
The chemical elements ZrН2Cr


Cast iron CHN2H used: for the manufacture of parts with high mechanical properties, wear resistance and corrosion in slightly alkaline, gaseous media, aqueous solutions and melts of caustic soda (different types of gears, cylinders, engines, grinding wheels, throttles, cooling cylinders and shafts of paper-making, card-moderately & dryer, matrix, punch presses).


Nickel low-alloy wear-resistant cast iron.


Name Code Standards
Castings with special properties (cast iron and steel) В83 GOST 7769-82

Chemical composition

Standard C S P Mn Cr Si Ni Fe
GOST 7769-82 3-3.6 ≤0.12 ≤0.25 0.6-1 0.4-0.6 1.2-2 1.5-2 The rest
Fe is the basis.

Mechanical characteristics

σB, MPa Brinell hardness number, MPa
Castings on OST 1 90077-72
≥290 215-280

Description mechanical marks

Name Description
σB Limit short-term strength

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