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GOST ISO 4383-2006

GOST ISO 4383−2006 Bearings. Multilayer materials for thin-walled plain bearings

GOST ISO 4383−2006

Group Г16




Plain bearings. Multilayer materials for thin-walled plain bearings

ISS 21.100.10
OKP 41 7000

Date of introduction 2009−07−01


Goals, basic principles and main procedure of works on interstate standardization have been established in GOST 1.0−92 «interstate standardization system. Basic provisions» and GOST 1.2−97 «interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations on interstate standardization. The procedure of development, adoption, application, renewal and cancellation"

Data on standard

1 PREPARED by the Russian research Institute of standardization and certification in engineering (VNIINMASH) of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the basis of their own authentic translation of the standard referred to in paragraph 4

2 recorded by the Interstate technical Committee for standardization MTK 344 «plain Bearings"

3 ACCEPTED by the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (Protocol No. 29 of June 24, 2006)

The adoption voted:

Short name of the country on MK (ISO 3166) 004−97
Country code
by MK (ISO 3166) 004−97
Abbreviated name of the national authority for standardization
AZ Azstandart
BY Gosstandart Of The Republic Of Belarus
GE Gosstandart
KZ Gosstandart Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan
KG Kyrgyzstandard
MD Moldova-Standard
Russian Federation EN Federal Agency on technical regulation and Metrology
Tajikistan TJ Tajikstandart
Turkmenistan TM The MDCSU «Turkmenstandartlary"
Uzbekistan UZ Uzstandard
Ukraine UA Derzhspozhyvstandart Of Ukraine

4 this standard is identical with ISO 4383:2000 «plain Bearings. Multilayer materials for thin-walled plain bearings» (ISO 4383:2000 «Plain bearings. Multilayer materials for thin-walled plain bearings», IDT)

5 by Order of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology dated December 25, 2008 N 685-St interstate standard GOST ISO 4383:2006 promulgated as the national standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 2009

6 REPLACE GOST 28813−90

Information about introduction in action (termination) of this standard is published in the index «National standards».

Information about the amendments to this standard is published in the index «National standards», and the text changes — in the information sign «National standards». In case of revision or cancellation of this standard the appropriate information will be published in the information index «National standards»

1 Scope

This standard specifies the basic requirements for multilayer materials used for the manufacture of thin-walled plain bearings (liners, bushings, thrust washers). The layered material consists of steel backing and a layer of bearing material (cast, sintered, rolled). Possible running-the layer obtained by electrolytic deposition.

Note — the environmental Impact will limit the use of certain materials such as lead.

2 Normative references

The present standard features references to the following international standards:

ISO 4381−2000ГОСТ ИСО 4383-2006 Подшипники скольжения. Многослойные материалы для тонкостенных подшипников скольженияBearings. Swinoujscie and tin casting alloys for multilayer plain bearings
ГОСТ ИСО 4383-2006 Подшипники скольжения. Многослойные материалы для тонкостенных подшипников скольженияThe translation of the international standard is the Federal information Fund of technical regulations and standards.

ISO 4382−1-1991ГОСТ ИСО 4383-2006 Подшипники скольжения. Многослойные материалы для тонкостенных подшипников скольженияBearings. Copper alloys. Part 1. Cast copper alloys for solid and multilayer thick-walled plain bearings
ГОСТ ИСО 4383-2006 Подшипники скольжения. Многослойные материалы для тонкостенных подшипников скольженияThe translation of the international standard is the Federal information Fund of technical regulations and standards.

ISO 6691−2000ГОСТ ИСО 4383-2006 Подшипники скольжения. Многослойные материалы для тонкостенных подшипников скольженияThermoplastic polymers for plain bearings. Classification and marking
ГОСТ ИСО 4383-2006 Подшипники скольжения. Многослойные материалы для тонкостенных подшипников скольженияThe translation of the international standard is the Federal information Fund of technical regulations and standards.

ISO 4384−1-82 Bearings. Test the hardness of bearing materials. Part 1. Composite materials [GOST 29212−91 (ISO 4384−1-82), IDТ]

3 Technical requirements

3.1 Chemical composition of the bearing layer

The chemical composition of materials must meet the requirements listed in tables 1 to 5, where single numbers represent maximum values.

Table 1 — Alloys of lead and tin (see ISO 4381)

Chemical element
Chemical composition, %
PbSb15SnAs PbSb15Sn10 SnSb8Cu4
The rest The rest The rest 0,35
9−11 13,5−15,5 14−16 7−8
5−7 0,9−1,7 9−11 The rest
0,7 0,7 0,7 3−4
0,25 0,8−1,2 0,6 0,1
0,1 0,1 0,1 0,08
0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01
0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01
0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1
Other items
0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2

Table 2 — Alloys based on copper

Chemical element Chemical composition, %

CuPb10Sn10ГОСТ ИСО 4383-2006 Подшипники скольжения. Многослойные материалы для тонкостенных подшипников скольжения
(G — cast,
R — sintered)

(G — cast)
(G — cast,
R — sintered)
(G — cast,
R — sintered)
(R — sintered)
Si The rest
The rest The rest The rest The rest
Pb 9−11
14−20 19−27 19−27 26−33
Sn 9−11
4−6 3−4,5 0,6−2 0,5
Zn 0,5
0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5
R 0,1
0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1
Fe 0,7
0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7
Ni 0,5
0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5
Sb 0,5
0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5
Other items
0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5

ГОСТ ИСО 4383-2006 Подшипники скольжения. Многослойные материалы для тонкостенных подшипников скольженияThe chemical composition of this alloy differs from the alloy for solid and thick-walled sliding bearings (see ISO 4382−1).

Table 3 — Alloys based on aluminium

Chemical element Chemical composition, %
  AISn20Cu AISn6Cu AISn11Cu AIZn5Si1, 5Cu1Pb1Mg
The rest The rest The rest The rest
0,7−1,3 0,7−1,3 0,7−1,3 0,8−1,2
16,5−22,5 Of 5.5−7 0,2 0,2
0,1 1,3 0,1 0,2

0,7ГОСТ ИСО 4383-2006 Подшипники скольжения. Многослойные материалы для тонкостенных подшипников скольжения

0,7ГОСТ ИСО 4383-2006 Подшипники скольжения. Многослойные материалы для тонкостенных подшипников скольжения

10−12 1−2

0,7ГОСТ ИСО 4383-2006 Подшипники скольжения. Многослойные материалы для тонкостенных подшипников скольжения

0,7ГОСТ ИСО 4383-2006 Подшипники скольжения. Многослойные материалы для тонкостенных подшипников скольжения

0,3 0,6

0,7ГОСТ ИСО 4383-2006 Подшипники скольжения. Многослойные материалы для тонкостенных подшипников скольжения

0,7ГОСТ ИСО 4383-2006 Подшипники скольжения. Многослойные материалы для тонкостенных подшипников скольжения

0,1 0,3
0,2 0,2 0,1 0,2
- - - 0,7−1,3
- - - 4,4−5,5
- - - 0,6
Other items
0,5 0,5 0,3 0,4

ГОСТ ИСО 4383-2006 Подшипники скольжения. Многослойные материалы для тонкостенных подшипников скольженияThe total content of Si+Fe+Mn should not exceed 1%.

Table 4 — Run the surface of the sintered bronze with polymer

Chemical element Chemical composition, %
Si The rest
The rest
Pb -
Sn 9−12
R 0,3
Other items 0,5
The run-in surface and polymer, impregnated with filler from friction and wear (see ISO 6691)
Porous sintered bronze
Porosity 20% — 45%

Table 5 — Bedded layers

Chemical element Chemical composition, %
PbSn10 Рbln7
Pb The rest
The rest The rest
Sn 8−12
8−12 -
Si 1−3
- -
In -
- 5−10
Other items 0,5
0,5 0,5

3.2 Steel Foundation

Chemical composition of steel for the base is determined by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer. Mainly used mild steel.

For composite materials, bronze / polymer indicated in table 4, as the basis can be used steel with a copper coating.

3.3 Bearing layer

Bearing layer based on tin and lead must meet the requirements specified in table 1.

The bearing layer of copper-base shall conform to the requirements specified in table 2.

Bearing layer on the basis of aluminum shall conform to the requirements specified in table 3.

Bearing layer on the basis of sintered bronze and polymers must meet the requirements specified in table 4.

Note — Developed new materials based on aluminum, containing aluminum and silicon or manganese, as well as soft materials such as lead or tin.

3.4 Running-the layer corresponding to the requirements specified in table 5, can be used for bearing layers, as shown in table A. 2.

The thickness of the running-layer and any intermediate layers between the bearing layer and running-in layer is determined by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer.

3.5 Properties and selection of materials

Recommendations on the hardness of the bearing material in the form of a strip and the use of bearing materials is given in Appendix A.

4 Marking

Example of designation of a layered material consisting of a steel framework, cast (G) CuPb24Sn bearing alloy layer and the running-PbSn10Cu2:

Bearing alloy GOST ISO 4383−2006 -G — CuPb24Sn — PbSn10Cu2

Annex a (informative). Recommendations on properties and selection of materials

Appendix A

Table A. 1 — Hardness of the bearing material in the form of a strip

Bearing alloy
Cast Sintered Laminated and annealed Special treatment
19−23HV - - 15 -19HV
16−20HV - - -
18−23HV - - -
17−24HV - - -
70−130 NV 60−90 NV - NV 60−140
60−95 NV - - -
60−90 NV 45−70 NV - 45−120 NV
55−80 NV 40−60 NV - 40−110 NV
- 30−45 NV - -
- - 30−40 NV 45−60 NV
- - 35−45 NV -
- - 45−60 NV -
AIZn5Si1, 5Cu1Pb1Mg
- - 45−70 NV 70−100 HB
Note — the hardness Value can be increased by rolling with a small compression. Tests carried out in accordance with ISO 4384−1.

Table A. 2 — Recommendations on the use of bearing materials and the choice of hardness of the mating parts of the bearing (shaft)

Bearing alloy (the running-layer)
Characteristics and recommendations for use in high speed engines

The minimum hardness of the shaftГОСТ ИСО 4383-2006 Подшипники скольжения. Многослойные материалы для тонкостенных подшипников скольжения

Soft, resistant to corrosion, has a relatively good performance with imperfect lubrication, low fatigue strength, working with hard and soft shafts. Slightly loaded with indigenous and connecting rod bearings, bushings, thrust washers
180 NV
SnSb8Cu4 Soft, resistant to corrosion, has the best performance among all of the bearing alloy with an imperfect lubrication, low fatigue strength, working with hard and soft shafts. Slightly loaded with indigenous and connecting rod bearings, bushings, thrust washers
220 NV
CuPb10Sn10 Very high fatigue strength and considerable resistance to shock loads, good resistance to corrosion, preferably with solid shafts. Wrapped bushes, thrust washer, bushing upper connecting rod
53 HRC
CuPb17Sn5 Very high fatigue strength and considerable resistance to shock loads, is used with solid shafts are usually used with the running-in coating in the bearings. Heavily loaded main bearings and the rod bearings, bushings, thrust washers
50 HRC
CuPb24Sn4 High fatigue strength and impact resistance, used for high-speed shafts, performing oscillatory or rotational movement, works with solid shafts are usually covered by the running-in coating when used as a bearing. Wrapped bushings, thrust washers, main bearings and the rod bearings
48 HRC
CuPb24Sn High fatigue strength cast alloy, satisfactory, and high fatigue strength sintered alloy, usually covered by the running-in alloy, when used as a bearing, and in this case can work with hard and soft shafts, susceptible to corrosion when using waste grease running-in the absence of the coating. Indigenous and connecting rod bearings, thrust washers
45 HRC
СuРb30 The average fatigue strength, good resistance to corrosion when using waste grease and lack of running-cover work with hard shafts while running-safety coverage. Indigenous and connecting rod bearings, wrapped bushing
270 NV
AISn20Cu The average fatigue strength, good resistance to corrosion, relatively good performance in critical lubrication conditions, can operate with soft shafts. Indigenous and connecting rod bearings, thrust washer, wrapped bushing
250 HB
AISn6Cu The average fatigue strength, good resistance to corrosion, is usually covered by the running-in coating and is used with hard shafts. Indigenous and connecting rod bearings, wrapped bushing
45 HRC
AISi11Cu High fatigue strength, usually used with the running-in coatings, works with hard and soft shafts. Indigenous and connecting rod bearings
50 HRC
AIZn5Si1, 5Cu1Pb1Mg High fatigue strength, usually used with the running-in coatings, works with hard and soft shafts. Indigenous and connecting rod bearings
45 HRC
The fatigue strength depends on the thickness, soft, good resistance to corrosion, relatively good performance in critical lubrication conditions.

Applies to indigenous and connecting rod bearings manufactured from alloys based on copper/lead and alloys high-strength aluminum-based

ГОСТ ИСО 4383-2006 Подшипники скольжения. Многослойные материалы для тонкостенных подшипников скольженияHardness values for material of the shaft are minimal and are valid for application in high-speed machines. Operating conditions, particularly lubrication conditions, play a significant role, therefore it may be necessary for a significant difference in hardness between the bearing material and the shaft.