GOST 22178-76
GOST 22178−76 Sheets from titanium and titanium alloys. Technical specifications (with Changes 1−5 N)
GOST 22178−76
Group В53
Titanium and titanium alloys sheets.
ISS 77.150.50
GST 18 2511
Date of introduction 1978−07−01
1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of aviation industry
2. APPROVED AND promulgated by the Decree of the State Committee of standards of Ministerial Council of the USSR from
Change No. 5 adopted by the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (Protocol No. 24 dated 5 December 2003)
For the adoption of the changes voted by national standardization bodies of the following States: AM, BY, KZ, KG, MD, RU, TJ, TM, UZ, UA [codes alpha-2 at MK (ISO 3166) 004]
5. EDITION (July 2005), with Changes N 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, approved in November 1982, June 1986, June 1987, August 1990, March, 2004 (I & C 3−83, 9−86, 11−87, 11−90, 6−2004)
This standard applies to sheets of titanium and titanium alloys, designed for the needs of the national economy and exports.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).
1.1. The leaves are divided as follows:
a) the quality of surface finish:
high finish, high finish — P, the usual finish — at no extra designation;
b) the deviation from flatness:
improved flatness — normal flatness, without additional symbols.
(Added, Rev. N 4).
1.1. The thickness of the sheets, limit deviations on thickness depending on thickness and width of sheets shall be as specified in table.1.
Table 1
* For titanium grades VT1−00, BT1−0 grade alloy OT4−0.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 4).
1.2. The size of the sheets depending on the brand of titanium or titanium alloy shall be as specified in table.2.
Table 2
1. Sheets of titanium grade VT1−0 with a thickness of 2.0 to 10.5 mm and a width of 1000 mm width is permitted to produce in excess of the nominal size is not more than 30 mm.
2. At the request of the consumer the sheets of alloy grade VT20 with thickness from 1.8 to 10.5 mm are made with a width of 1000 mm.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 4, 5).
1.3. (Deleted, Rev. N 4).
1.4. Sheets of titanium and titanium alloy grades VT1−00, VT1−0, OT4−0, OT4−1 and OT4 with thickness up to 1.8 mm manufactured lengths with an interval of 50 mm in the range of lengths provided in the table.2.
Sheets of titanium and titanium alloy grades VT1−00, VT1−0, OT4−0, OT4−1 and OT4 with a thickness of 2.0 to 10.5 mm manufactured lengths with an interval of 100 mm in the range of lengths provided in the table.2.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 4).
1.5. Limit deviations on width of sheets shall not exceed:
plus 10 mm — at length of sheets up to 1500 mm;
plus 15 mm — with a length of over 1,500 mm.
1.6. Maximum deviations along the length of the sheets must not exceed:
plus 20 mm — at length of sheets up to 2000 mm;
plus-25 mm — at length of sheets more than 2000 mm.
1.5, 1.6. (Changed edition, Rev. N 4).
1.7. (Deleted, Rev. N 4).
1.8. Theoretical mass () of one meter length of the sheet, kg, is calculated by the formula
where and — maximum size limits on thickness and width, mm;
and the smallest size limits on thickness and width, mm;
— density titanium alloy, g/cm.
The theoretical mass of one meter length of the sheet is given in Annex 1 and calculated at a density of 4.50 g/cm, which corresponds to the density of titanium grades VT1−00 and VT1−0.
To calculate the theoretical mass of leaves from other titanium alloys should use the conversion factors listed in Annex 2.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).
Examples of symbols:
A sheet of titanium alloy OT4 brand, thickness 5.0 mm, width 1000 mm and length of 1500 mm, high surface finish (In):
Sheet OT4 5 x 1000 x 1500 GOST 22178−76. In
The same high surface finish (N):
Sheet OT4 5 x 1000 x 1500 GOST 22178−76. P
Same, ordinary surface finish:
Sheet OT4 5 x 1000 x 1500 GOST 22178−76
A sheet of titanium grade VT1−0 with a thickness of 5.0 mm, width 1000 mm, length 1500 mm, with high surface finishes (b), and improved flatness (In):
Sheet VT1−0 5 x 1000 x 1500 GOST 22178−76. Q.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 4).
2.1. Sheets are produced in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.
(Added, Rev. N 1).
2.1. Chemical composition of sheets of titanium grades VT1−00, VT1−0 and titanium alloys OT4−1, OT4−0, OT4, VT5−1, VT6, VT6S, VT14, VT20 must meet the requirements of GOST 19807 or OST 1 90013*.
* The document is not given. For additional information, please refer to the link. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 3, 4, 5).
2.2. The leaves are made of annealed or annealed and reign followed prohladnoy and edit.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
2.3. Mechanical properties tensile sheets advanced and ordinary surface finish shall conform to the requirements specified in table.3.
Table 3
2.3. Mechanical properties tensile sheets of high surface finishes must meet the requirements specified in table.3A.
Table 3A
2.3, 2.3. (Changed edition, Rev. N 4, 5).
2.4. The leaves must be cut at right angle. Cut end Squareness, mm shouldn’t print the sheets for tolerances for width and length.
On the edges of cut sheets are not allowed rough burrs.
Sheets of alloys VT5−1, VT6, VT20, and VT6S thickness from 6.0 to 10.5 mm are made without trimming, with a possibility of a cutting of a sheet of nominal sizes.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 5).
2.5. The surface of leaves of all groups finish shall be etched, without cracks, tears, delamination of metal and non-metallic inclusions, dross and residues captured.
Allowed color of a tint.
2.6. The quality of the surface sheets shall conform to the requirements specified in table.3A.
Allowed the gentle sweep of defects at the depth specified in the table.3b.
Table 3b
Note. Isolated defects, not more than two per 1 mof the surface, a depth not greater than the sum of limit deviations for thickness, should be circled with paint or colored pencil.
2.5, 2.6. (Changed edition, Rev. N 4).
2.7. The angles of samples cut from sheets, when the radius of the mandrel equal to one sheet thickness for sheets of titanium grades VT1−00, VT1−0 and titanium alloy grade OT4−0 and half the thickness of the sheet for sheets of alloys OT4−1, OT4, VT5−1, VT6S, and VT14 VT20, shall be as specified in table.4.
Table 4
2.8. The deviation from flatness of the sheets and the gap angles of the leaves normal flatness from the control plates shall be as specified in table.5.
Table 5
1. For sheets of alloys OT4−0, OT4−1 with a thickness of 0.8 to 1.8 mm, a width of 1000 mm the deviation from flatness is not more than 20 mm per 1 m length and the gap of the corners of the sheet from the control plate — not more than 30 mm.
2. At the request of the consumer on sheets of titanium grade VT1−0 with a thickness of 2.0 to 10.5 mm high finish of the surface deviation from flatness should be not more than 8 mm and the gap of the corners of the sheet from the control plate should be not more than 25 mm, while the purchase order should be stamped on the letter «I» (improved flatness) after the year of publication of the standard.
3. Allowed in the party ordinary surface finish 15% of leaves that are deviations from flatness and the gap of the corners of the sheet from the control plate more than the values specified in table.5, but not more than 30%.
2.7, 2.8. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 4, 5).
3.1. The leaves are presented to the receiving parties. The party must consist of sheets of one brand of titanium or titanium alloy and the same size and be furnished by a single document about quality that contains:
trademark or a trademark and the name of the manufacturer;
designation sheets;
batch number;
the results of the tests (mechanical properties only specify the maximum and minimum values, the actual content of the main components to specify at the customer’s request);
the weight of the party;
the date of manufacture.
The party can be composed of leaves several trunks.
Leaves a high finish made the roll way with a party consisting of a single coil.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 4).
3.2. To determine the chemical composition selected two leaves from the party.
The manufacturer is allowed to determine the main components of each furnace, the impurities (except hydrogen) on each tenth heat. Other impurities are not in control. The hydrogen content is controlled on two sheets from the party. The acquisition of a batch of several heats the hydrogen content is determined in each of the fifth sheet of the party.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
3.3. The dimensional control subjected to each sheet.
3.4. Verification of surface condition and deviations from flatness are subjected to each sheet.
3.5. For testing the mechanical tensile properties (tensile strength and elongation) and bending subjected to 10% of the leaves from the party, but not less than one sheet.
Mechanical testing of sheets of alloys VT6S, and VT14 carried out on hardened and artificially aged samples, taken from three leaves the party at the request of the consumer.
Samples for testing of mechanical properties were cut from the sheets of alloys VT1−00, VT1−0, OT4, OT4−0, OT4−1, VT5−1, manufactured in the annealed condition, additional heat treatment is not subjected.
Allowed tests on the mechanical properties of leaves, heat-treated in the feed, conducted on two samples from each roll (start and end of the roll).
Leaves a high finish of alloys OT4−1 and OT4 made roller method, is subjected to the control of mechanical properties in bending of 20% of the party.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 3, 4, 5).
3.6. If unsatisfactory test results of at least one of the indicators (except for the definition of hydrogen) it is carried out re-tests on twice the number of samples cut from the same sheets.
If unsatisfactory results of repeated tests obtained at least one of the samples, the leaves are subjected to routine test.
Note. Re-test sheets grade alloy VT5−1 is performed on the annealed samples. The mechanical properties shall conform to the requirements of table.3.
3.7. If unsatisfactory results of determination of hydrogen content analyze each sheet of the party.
4.1. Chemical composition of titanium and titanium alloys is determined according to GOST 25086, 19863.1 GOST — GOST 19863.13 or spectral method GOST 23902, or other methods of equal accuracy standard.
In case of disagreement in the evaluation of the chemical composition determination is carried out according to GOST 25086, 19863.1 GOST — GOST 19863.13.
4.2. The hydrogen content is determined according to GOST 24956 or other methods of equal accuracy standard.
In case of disagreement, the determination is carried out according to GOST 24956.
4.1, 4.2. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 4).
4.3. The inspection of the surface of the sheets is carried out without the use of magnifying devices.
Cleaning of defects is carried out in any direction abrasive wheels according to GOST 2424, scraper or other tool grain size not larger than 50.
The depth of defects measured by profilometer according to GOST 19300 or depth indicator (special) according to normative-technical documentation.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 4).
4.4. Measurement of the thickness of the sheets is carried out at a minimum distance of 115 mm from corners and not less than 25 mm from the edges of the sheet.
Measurement of the thickness of the sheets is carried out with a micrometer according to GOST 6507.
Measurement of the width and length of sheets of conducting metal measuring tape measure the churchyard 7502.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 3, 4).
4.5. Sampling for mechanical tests carried out according to GOST 24047.
4.6. Tensile testing of sheets with a thickness of more than 0.8 to 2.5 mm is carried out according to GOST 11701 on samples of type I or II with 20 mm and sheets with thickness from 3.0 to 10.5 mm is carried out according to GOST 1497 on samples of types I or II.
The estimated length of the sample () are in millimeters calculated by the formula
where is the calculated area of the specimen, mm.
Sheets with a thickness of 8 mm can be tested on the round samples with the estimated length .
The shape and dimensions of samples cut for the tensile tests of sheets with thickness from 0.3 to 0.8 mm, shall be as specified in the drawing.
The speed of movement of the active capture machines tensile samples should be 10−15 mm/min.
4.5, 4.6. (Changed edition, Rev. N 2).
4.7. For tensile testing of each check sheet is cut one specimen transversely to the direction of rolling.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 2, 5).
4.8. The bend test is carried out according to GOST 14019 before the first cracks in the stretched area of sample with the definition of the bending angle; bending angle is measured after removing the load. Each check sheet from one end in the direction across the rolling cut one sample.
The bend test specimen is subjected to width:
10 mm thickness of sheet mm to 5.0 mm;
15 mm when the thickness of the sheet St 5.0 to 10.5 mm.
Diameter of rollers shall be 30 mm.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 3).
4.9. Flatness of the sheets is determined by the maximum deflection between the surface sheet, laid on a flat surface and the attached meter ruler according to GOST 8026 in any direction by using a measuring ruler according to GOST 427.
Note. For sheets with a width and length less than 1 m deviation from flatness, taken as for sheets length and width 1 m.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).
5.1. On each sheet on one of the corners at a distance of not more than 100 mm from the edge across the width of the sheet shall be marked with indelible paint or colored pencil: grade of titanium or a titanium alloy, sheet size, lot number, stamp of the technical control.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
5.1.1. Label sheets intended for export, is carried out in accordance with the order of foreign trade enterprises.
(Added, Rev. N 2).
5.2. Each sheet with a thickness of 2.8 mm and less are packaged in slatted wooden crates according to normative-technical documentation, developed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2991.
For laying between the sheets used one of the papers on the other 13−0248643−788,11836 GOST, GOST 8273 or basis of waxed paper brands ODP-35 according to GOST 16711.
Before packing sheets crates should be lined with a type of paper according to GOST 1341, 1760 GOST, GOST 9569, GOST 515 or plastic film with a thickness of 100−200 µm according to GOST 10354.
Sheets with a thickness of 3 mm or more are formed in the packet without relaying the paper on the wooden strips, tied with a ribbon according to GOST 3560.
Allowed sheets with a thickness of 3 mm or more to be transported in universal containers or covered wagons in the direct address of the user relaying paper without packing in boxes.
Each sheet of high surface finish thickness of 2.8 mm and less than shuffle paper.
Sheets of high surface finish thickness of 2.8 mm or less, shift the paper as required.
The sheets of plain surface finish thickness of 2.8 mm or less paper does not shift.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 4).
5.2.1. Leaves transporterowych by all kinds of transport in covered or open vehicles, in accordance with the rules applicable to the transport of the species.
Stowage and securing of cargoes transported by rail, must comply with the rules of loading and fastening of cargoes, approved by the Ministry of Railways of the USSR.
(Added, Rev. N 1).
5.2.2. In covered wagons transporterowych sheets if weight per package up to 500 kg and length up to 3.0 m.
Weight of cargo space with the overload of path should not exceed 500 kg, and in the direct address of the consumer — 2000 kg.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 4).
5.3. Transport marking under GOST 14192.
Labeling data on the Packed products should be located under the main label and shall contain:
brand of titanium or titanium alloy;
the size of the sheets;
batch number.
During transportation of the sheets without packing in boxes between sheets put in the package with the packing slip indicating the above information.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
5.4, 5.5. (Deleted, Rev. N 1).
5.6. The leaves should be stored in covered warehouses protected from moisture, mechanical damage and active chemical reagents.
The manufacturer guarantees the conformity of the leaves with the requirements of this standard if the conditions of transportation and storage.
Warranty period of storage of sheets from the date of shipment in heated warehouses — not more than 10 years, in unheated warehouses — not more than 5 years.
The frequency of inspection in heated and unheated warehouses — once a year.
We examine the number of sheets is 3% — 5% of the party.
Sec. 6. (Added, Rev. N 4).
ANNEX 1 (mandatory)
Table 1
Table 2
APPENDIX 1. (Changed edition, Rev. N 4).
ANNEX 2 (informative). Conversion factors to calculate the theoretical weight of 1 m of sheet of a titanium alloy
APPENDIX 2. (Changed edition, Rev. N 3, 5).