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Molybdenum metal production


Production methods for the compact metal molybdenum are similar to tungsten. Two types of smelting are most commonly used:



The latter is relevant in cases where refractory metals are used in the production of large-sized blanks - up to 2 tons in weight. We are talking about large-size sheets, pipes and other products. Recently, melting in plasma furnaces in argon or argon-hydrogen plasma jet has become widespread.

Arc melting

Melting of molybdenum can be carried out in a vacuum arc furnace at direct or alternating current. For stable combustion of the arc must exclude the formation of. side arcs between the electrode and the wall of the crystallizer. The arc length (20-35 mm) must not exceed the size of the gap between the cathode and the mold wall Arc melting gives Molybdenum ingots of high brittleness because impurities are released on the grain boundary: oxides, carbides, nitrides.

Electron-beam melting

If molybdenum is initially smelted in an electron-beam furnace, the content of impurities is reduced. However, ingots after electron-beam refining melting have a coarse-crystalline structure. Therefore, after such melting ingots are remelted in an arc furnace. Small amounts of zirconium or niobium carbides are added to refine grains during arc melting.


Supplier Auremo offers to buy molybdenum metal and molybdenum alloys in bulk or in installments. Large selection of semi-finished products in stock. Optimal price from the supplier. For wholesale customers - price preferential.

Buy a bargain price

Supplier "Auremo" sells molybdenum on the European market by wholesale and retail shipments. Delivery time is minimal. Experienced managers - experts of the modern market will promptly help you buy molybdenum. The semi-finished products presented in the warehouse are certified. The quality corresponds to GOST and international standards. Auremo invites you to buy heat-resistant rolled products today. In the segment of heat-resistant rolled products, Auremo is a profitable supplier.

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