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Transportation of Incotertms 2010

The basic principles of distribution of responsibility between agents in today's market is defined by Incoterms 2010 - international trade rules. The specified agreement consists of 11 terms, 7 of which can be applied to any mode of transport, the other 4 refer exclusively to the sea mode of delivery of goods. Naturally, the terms of cooperation are negotiated individually with each customer to ensure optimum conditions for all parties.

Here is the complete list of Incoterms 2010

EXW EX Works (... named place)
EXW Works (... name place)
any type of
FCA Free Carrier (...named place)
Free Carrier ( of place)
any mode
FAS Free Alongside Ship (... named port of shipment)
Free Alongside Ship (... name of port of shipment)
sea and
water transport
FOB Free On Board (... named port of shipment)
Free On Board (... named port of shipment)
sea and
water transport
CFR Cost and Freight (... named port of destination)
Cost and Freight (...named port of destination)
sea and
water transport
CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight (... named port of destination)
Cost, Insurance and Freight (...named port of destination)
sea and
water-borne transport
CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid to (... named place of destination)
Carriage and Insurance Paid to (...named place of destination)
any mode
CPT Carriage Paid To (... named place of destination)
Freight/carriage paid to (...named place of destination)
any mode
DAT Delivered At Terminal (... named terminal of destination)
Delivered at Terminal (...named terminal of destination)
any mode
DAP Delivered At Point (... named point of destination)
Delivered at Point (...named point of destination)
any mode
DDP Delivered Duty Paid (... named place of destination)
Delivered Duty Paid (...named place of destination)
any mode