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Extraction and general information about europium

Extraction of europium

Since this rare earth metal does not occur in its pure form in nature, the extraction of europium is associated with minerals such as:

  • monazite;
  • loparite;
  • bastnaesite.

Kenya has the greatest reserves of this metal, though it is also mined in Australia, India, and Brazil. It is worthy of note that because of long and costly process of getting europium it is not just a part of "rare metals" group, but also one of the most expensive.

General Information

Europium is a fairly active element. Its valence is +2; +3. In salt solutions it is used as a substitute for almost all metals, and it gets covered by oxide film very quickly in the open air. When stored it is placed in a hermetically sealed container. This metal is one of 14 elements in the lanthanoid group with a melting point of 826 ° C and the heat of vaporization - 176 kJ/mol. Like many other rare metals, it is often used as an alloying agent, and its production is very costly and requires many chemical and physical steps.

Technical Characteristics

It is a very technologically advanced metal, easy to work with: rolled, bent, drilled, and cut. In alloy with zirconium it expands the width of thermal neutron capture. In nuclear reactors, europium derivatives are part of absorbing rods. This metal forms light-sensitive crystals with halogens. The unstable isotope 154Eucan be used as radioactive fuel. Eu 2 O3, is necessary in the thermochemical fission of deuterium and tritium. In laser optics, this metal serves as the basis for high-power lasers that generate radiation with a wavelength of 610 nm, .


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