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Solder ВПр1


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic ВПр1
Designation GOST Latin BPp1
Transliteration VPr1
The chemical elements ВPr1


Solder ВПр1 applies: for soldering of parts and assemblies from high temperature alloys and stainless steels.


Name Code Standards
Sheets and stripes В53 OST 1 90082-88

Chemical composition

Standard Si Ni Fe Cu B
OST 1 90082-88 1.5-2 27-30 0.1-1.5 The rest 0.1-0.3
Cu is the basis.
According to OST 1 90082-88 the total content of impurities is not more than 0.50%.

Technological properties

Name The value
Macrostructure and contamination Surface bands on OST 1 90082-88 should be bright, clean with no bubbles, sunsets, cracks, cavities, metallic and non-metallic inclusions and delaminations, and to meet the standards of VIAM. There may be dents, injections, removalist, prints from the rolls, if in the control the sweep depth of these defects does not display bands for the limit deviation on thickness. Allowed the presence of traces of etching strips of alloys, tint, copper plating, local darkening and stains from water. The edges and ends of the strips of solder should be smooth. Presence of cracks on the edge of edge no deeper than 2 mm. in not more than 10 PCs for one meter length of the strip.
Features of production Band of solders on OST 1 90082-88 supplied in cold-worked condition.

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