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GOST 5632-2014

GOST 5632−2014 Alloyed stainless steels and alloys corrosion-resistant, heatresistant and heat-proof. Brand

GOST 5632−2014

Group B30




Stainless steels and corrosion resisting, heat-resisting and creep-resisting alloys. Grades

Text Comparison GOST 5632 — 2014 with GOST 5632−72 see the link.
— Note the manufacturer’s database.

ISS 77.080.20
OKP 08 7030
08 7150
08 7450

Date of introduction 2015−01−01


Goals, basic principles and main procedure of works on interstate standardization established in GOST 1.0−92 «interstate standardization system. Basic provisions» and GOST 1.2−2009 «interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations on interstate standardization. Rules of development, adoption, application, renewal and cancellation"

Data on standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 375 «steel Products from ferrous metals and alloys» on the basis of Federal state unitary enterprise «Central research Institute of ferrous metallurgy them.And.P.Bardin (FSUE «tsniichermet im.And.P.Bardeen»)

2 as AMENDED by the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart)

3 ACCEPTED by the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (minutes dated March 28, 2014 N 65-P)

The adoption voted:

Short name of the country on MK (ISO 3166) 004−97 Country code MK (ISO 3166) 004−97 Abbreviated name of the national authority for standardization
Armenia AM Mineconomiki Of The Republic Of Armenia
Belarus BY Gosstandart Of The Republic Of Belarus
Kazakhstan KZ Gosstandart Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan
Kyrgyzstan KG Kyrgyzstandart
Moldova MD Moldova-Standard
Russia EN Rosstandart
Tajikistan TJ Tajikstandart
UZ Uzstandard
UA The Ministry Of Economic Development Of Ukraine

4 by Order of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology dated 24 October 2014 N 1431-St inter-state standard GOST 5632−2014 introduced as a national standard of the Russian Federation from 1 January 2015.

5 REPLACE GOST 5632−72

Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annual reference index «National standards», and the text changes and amendments — in monthly information index «National standards». In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notification will be published in the monthly information index «National standards». Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet

1 Scope

This standard applies to alloy stainless steel and wrought iron-Nickel alloys and Nickel-based, designed for use in corrosive environments and at high temperatures.

2 Normative references

This standard uses the regulatory references to the following international standards:

GOST 7565−81 (ISO 377−2:1989) Iron, steel and alloys. Sampling method for determination of chemical composition

GOST 12344−2003 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of carbon

GOST 12345−2001 (ISO 671:1982, ISO 4935:1989) Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods of determining sulphur

GOST 12346−78 (ISO 439:1982, ISO 4829−1:1986) Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of silicon

GOST 12347−77 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of phosphorus

GOST 12348−78 (ISO 629:1982) Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of manganese

GOST 12349−83 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of tungsten

GOST 12350−78 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of chromium

GOST 12351−2003 (ISO 4942:1988, ISO 9647:1989) Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of vanadium

GOST 12352−81 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of Nickel

GOST 12353−78 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of cobalt

GOST 12354−81 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of molybdenum

GOST 12355−78 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of copper

GOST 12356−81 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of titanium

GOST 12357−84 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of aluminium

GOST 12358−2002 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of arsenic

GOST 12359−99 (ISO 4945:1977) Steels carbon, alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of nitrogen

GOST 12360−82 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods of boron determination

GOST 12361−2002 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of niobium

GOST 12362−79 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of trace antimony, lead, tin, zinc and cadmium

GOST 12363−79 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of selenium

GOST 12364−84 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for the determination of cerium

GOST 12365−84 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of zirconium

GOST 17051−82 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of tantalum

GOST 17745−90 of Steel and alloys. Methods for the determination of gases

GOST 18895−97 Steel. Method of photoelectric spectral analysis

GOST 24018.0−90 heat-resistant Alloys on a Nickel basis. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST 24018.1−80 heat-resistant Alloys on a Nickel basis. Methods for determination of tin

GOST 24018.2−80 heat-resistant Alloys on a Nickel basis. Methods for determination of antimony

GOST 24018.3−80 heat-resistant Alloys on a Nickel basis. Methods for determination of lead

GOST 24018.4−80 heat-resistant Alloys on a Nickel basis. Methods for determination of bismuth

GOST 24018.5−80 heat-resistant Alloys on a Nickel basis. Methods for determination of lead and bismuth

GOST 24018.6−80 heat-resistant Alloys on a Nickel basis. Methods for determination of arsenic

GOST 24018.7−91 heat-resistant Alloys on a Nickel basis. Methods for determination of carbon

GOST 24018.8−91 heat-resistant Alloys on a Nickel basis. Methods of determining sulphur

GOST 27809−95 Steel and cast iron. Methods for spectrographic analysis

GOST 28033−89 Steel. Method x-ray fluorescence analysis

GOST 28473−90 Iron, steel, ferroalloys, chromium and manganese metal. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST 29095−91 Alloys and powders heat-resistant, corrosion-resistant, precision Nickel-based. Methods of iron determination

Note — When using this standard appropriate to test the effect of reference standards in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet or in the annual information index «National standards» published as on January 1 of the current year, and the editions of the monthly information index «National standards» for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), when using this standard should be guided by replacing (amended) standard. If the reference standard is cancelled without replacement, then the situation in which the given link applies to the extent that does not affect this link.

3 Terms and definitions

This standard applies the terminology in [1], as well as the following terms with respective definitions:

3.1 alloy stainless steel: Steel with a minimum mass fraction of chromium of 10.5% and a maximum mass fraction of carbon of 1.2%.

Note — a limited number of doped stainless steels is allowed minimum mass fraction of chromium of 7.5%.

3.2 the have iron-Nickel alloys: Alloys, basic structure which is a solid solution of chromium and other alloying elements in iron-based (amount of Nickel and iron over 65% at an approximate ratio of Nickel to iron of 1:1.5).

3.3 the Nickel-based alloys: Alloys, basic structure which is a solid solution of chromium and other alloying elements in Nickel-based (mass fraction of Nickel is not less than 50%).

3.4 corrosion-resistant steels and alloys: Steels and alloys, have resistance to electrochemical and chemical corrosion (atmospheric, soil, alkali, acid, salt), intergranular corrosion, stress corrosion etc.

3.5 heat-resistant (okolnostima) steel and alloys: Steels and alloys, have resistance to chemical destruction of the surface in gaseous media at temperatures above 550 °C, working in the unloaded or lightly condition.

3.6 heat-resistant steels and alloys: Steels and alloys, operating under load at high temperatures for a certain time and having sufficient heat resistance.

3.7 alloying chemical elements: Chemical elements, specially introduced into the steel or alloy in a certain amount, mass fraction of which is controlled.

3.8 residual chemical elements: Chemical elements (titanium, copper, Nickel, aluminum, niobium, cobalt, tungsten, vanadium, molybdenum and other elements) that is not added intentionally, and trapped in the steel or alloy at random, from charging materials, refractories, etc.

3.9 marking analysis: Quantitative analysis was conducted on the sample bucket or sample of the finished ingot (steel billet, products). For hydrogen marking analysis is its mass fraction, as determined in the molten steel after degassing, before casting.

4 Symbols and abbreviations

4.1 In the names of grades of steel and alloys chemical elements are marked with the following letters: A (early grade) sulfur, And (mid-grade) — nitrogen, B is niobium, the tungsten, G — manganese, D — copper, E — selenium, cobalt, M — molybdenum, N — Nickel, P — phosphorus, P — boron, — silicon, T — Titan, f — vanadium, X — chrome, C — Zirconia, Yu — aluminum, h — REE (rare-earth metals: lanthanum, praseodymium, cerium, etc.).

Name steel grades consists of symbols of elements and the following digits. The figures after the letters indicate the average mass fraction of alloying element in integer units, in addition to elements present in steel in small quantities. The figures in the letter indicate the average or the maximum (no lower limit) mass fraction of carbon in the steel in hundredths of a percent.

Name brands of iron-Nickel alloys and Nickel-based consists only of alphabetic symbols of the alloying elements, except:

carbon (only to have iron-Nickel alloys), for which the figures in the letter indicate the average or maximum percentage of carbon in hundredths of percent;

— of Nickel, after which point numbers, meaning its average mass fraction in percent.

With the exception of the following alloys: (7−6) 07Х15Н30В5М2 (ЧС81), (8−3) ХН54К15МБЮВТ (ВЖ175), (8−8) ХН55К15МБЮВТ (ЭК151), (8−12) ХН56К16МБВЮТ (ВЖ172).

4.2 Steels and alloys, obtained with the use of special methods (processes) or special melting remelting, further indicate a hyphen at the end of the brand names of the following letters:

VD — vacuum-arc remelting, W — electroslag remelting and VI — vacuum induction melting, G — gas-oxygen refining IN the vacuum-oxygen refining, PD — plasma melting followed by vacuum arc remelting, ID — vacuum-induction melting followed by vacuum arc remelting, SHD — electroslag remelting with subsequent vacuum arc remelting, PT — plasma smelting, E — electron-beam remelting, P — plasma-arc remelting, ISH — vacuum-induction melting followed electroslag remelting, The IL — vacuum-induction melting followed by electron beam remelting, SP — a vacuum-induction melting with a subsequent plasma-arc remelting, PSH — plasma melting followed electroslag remelting, PL — plasma melting followed by electron beam remelting, PP — plasma smelting with subsequent plasma-arc remelting, SHL — electroslag remelting with subsequent electron-beam remelting, SHP — electroslag remelting with subsequent plasma-arc remelting and secondary processing of synthetic slag, VP — vacuum-plasma remelting, In — vacuum, DD — double vacuum-arc remelting, GVR — gas-oxygen refining with subsequent vacuum-oxygen refining.

5 Classification

5.1 Alloy stainless steel depending on structure, are divided into classes:

— martensitic steel with the main structure of martensite;

— martensite-ferritic steel containing in the structure apart of martensite of at least 10% ferrite;

— ferritic — steel, having a ferrite structure (without ГОСТ 5632-2014 Легированные нержавеющие стали и сплавы коррозионно-стойкие, жаростойкие и жаропрочные. Маркиtransformations);

— austenite-martensitic — steel, having a structure of austenite and martensite, the amount of which can be changed within wide limits;

— austenite-ferritic — steel, having a structure of austenite and ferrite (ferrite is more than 10%);

— austenitic steel having a structure of stable austenite.

The steel division into classes according to structural features is conditional, as it implies only one heat treatment, namely, air cooling after high-temperature heating (900°C) samples of small size. Therefore, structural variations in the acceptance become a symptom of are not.