GOST 31623-2012
GOST 31623−2012 Cast bars of alloy ХК62М6Л for artificial joints. Technical specifications
GOST 31623−2012
Technical specifications
XK62M6L alloy cast rods for artificial joints. Specifications
ISS 11.040.40
Date of implementation 2015−01−01
The objectives, basic principles and procedure for conducting work on interstate standardization are set by GOST 1.0−92 «Interstate Standardization System: Basic Provisions» and GOST 1.2−2009 «Interstate Standardization System.» Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for the development, adoption, application, updates and cancellations «
About the standard
1 PREPARED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise «All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Standardization and Certification in Mechanical Engineering» (VNIINMASH)
2 was introduced by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart)
3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 41−2012 of May 24, 2012)
For the adoption of the standard voted:
The country’s short name for the MK (ISO 3166) 004−97 | Country code for MK (ISO 3166) 004−97 |
Abbreviated name of the national standardization body |
Azerbaijan | AZ |
Azstandart |
Belarus | BY |
State Standard of the Republic of Belarus |
Kazakhstan | KZ |
State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Kyrgyzstan | KG |
Kyrgyzstandart |
Russian Federation | EN |
Rosstandart |
Tajikistan | TJ |
Tajikstandart |
Uzbekistan | UZ |
Uzstandard |
4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of November 1, 2012 N 678-st interstate standard GOST 31623−2012 was introduced as a national standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2015.
5 This standard corresponds to the international standard ISO 5832−4: 1996 Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 4: Cobalt-chromium-molybdenum casting alloy (Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 4. Cobalt chrome-molybdenum casting alloy) chemical composition, mechanical properties, surface quality.
The degree of compliance is nonequivalent (NEQ).
The standard is prepared based on the application of GOST R 51395−99
The information on the enactment (termination) of this standard is published in the monthly index «National Standards».
Information on changes to this standard is published in the annually published information index «National Standards», and the text of the amendments and amendments is published in the monthly index «National Standards». In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the monthly index «National Standards»
1 area of use
This standard specifies the requirements for cast bars from alloy ХК62М6Л, intended for the manufacture of artificial joints by casting. The mandatory requirements for product quality are set out in 5.2, 5.3, 6.2, 7.1, 7.4.
2 Normative references
References to the following interstate standards are used in this standard:
GOST 1497−84 Metals. Methods of tensile testing
GOST 7565−81 Cast iron, steel and alloys. Method of sampling for chemical composition
GOST 7566−94 Metal products. Acceptance, marking, packaging, transportation and storage
Steel alloys and high alloy. Methods for determination of carbon
Steel alloys and high alloy. Methods for determination of sulfur
Alloyed and highly alloyed steels. Methods for determination of silicon
Steel alloyed and highly alloyed. Methods for determination of phosphorus
GOST 12348−78 Steel alloyed and highly alloyed. Methods for the determination of manganese
Steel alloys and high alloy. Methods for the determination of chromium
Steel alloyed and highly alloyed. Methods for the determination of nickel
Steel alloys and high alloy. Methods for determining cobalt
Steel alloys and high alloy. Methods for determination of molybdenum
GOST 14192−96 Marking of goods
GOST 28473−90 Cast iron, steel, ferroalloys, chromium, manganese, metallic. General requirements for analysis methods
GOST 29095−91 Alloys and powders are heat-resistant, corrosion-resistant, precision based on nickel. Methods for the determination of iron
NOTE — When using this standard, it is advisable to check the operation of reference standards under the «National Standards» index, compiled as of January 1 of the current year, and on the relevant information indicators published this year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard should be guided by a replacement (modified) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision referring to it is applied in the part not affecting this reference.
3 Definitions
In this standard, the following term is used, with the appropriate definition:
casting alloys for artificial joints based on cobalt: Materials, the main component of which is cobalt. These alloys possess the necessary complex of mechanical and corrosion-resistant properties, which makes it possible to use them for the production of artificial joints without harmful consequences for the human body.
4 Assortment
The bars are produced with a diameter of not more than 95 mm and a length of not more than 1100 mm. According to the manufacturer’s agreement with the consumer, rods of other sizes are allowed.
The form, dimensions and dimensional deviations in size — as agreed by the manufacturer with the consumer.
An example of the conventional designation of a bar cast from an alloy of the grade ХК62М6Л with a diameter of 60 mm:
Rod HK62M6L-60 GOST 3162 3 -2012
5 Technical requirements
5.1. The alloy shall be smelted using pure charge materials by vacuum-induction method or by any other method providing the necessary purity of the metal for impurities.
5.2 The chemical composition of the alloy shall be as specified in Table 1.
Table 1
Chemical composition |
Cobalt | Chromium | Molybdenum | Nickel | Iron | Carbon | Manganese | Silicon | Sulfur | Phosphorus |
Mass fraction of elements,% |
The basis | 26.5−30.0 | 4.5−7.0 | Not more than 1,0 | Not more than 1,0 | Not more than 0.35 | Not more than 1,0 | Not more than 1,0 | Not more than 0,015 | Not more than 0,020 |
NOTE — In agreement with the health authorities, slight deviations in the mass fraction of the elements indicated in Table 1 are allowed, without entailing changes in structure and mechanical properties. |
5.3. The mechanical properties determined on cast samples shall comply with the standards specified in Table 2.
table 2
Mechanical properties | Temporary resistance |
Yield strength |
Relative extension |
Relative contraction |
Value, not less than |
665 | 450 | 8 | 8 |
NOTE — The heat treatment mode of the samples is selected by the manufacturer to achieve the required properties. |
5.4. The bars are supplied with a continuous abrasive stripping.
On the surface of the bars are not allowed oxide foams, contamination, inclusions of foreign metal, as well as influxes that increase the dimensions of rods.
According to the manufacturer’s agreement with the consumer, other surface requirements are allowed, stipulated when ordering (contract).
6 Acceptance rules
6.1. The bars are presented for acceptance in batches consisting of rods of the same melting. Each lot is accompanied by a document on quality according to GOST 7566.
6.2 To check the quality of the bars from the batch, take:
— for chemical analysis — one sample from melting according to GOST 7565;
— for surface quality control and dimensions — all bars;
— for mechanical testing — four molded samples (two test pieces and two samples, if necessary, for retesting).
NOTE Control samples for mechanical tests are made from blanks (casts) cast when casting an alloy or from the metal of the blanks supplied. Billets (clubs) are cast into hot ceramic molds. The casting is produced in the working space of the furnace during casting of the alloy. It is allowed to cast workpieces (tref) into cold molds. At the same time, the manufacturer guarantees that the consumer obtains properties not lower than on samples made of blanks cast into hot forms from the initial alloy without the addition of waste.
6.3. When obtaining unsatisfactory results of the chemical analysis, repeat tests are performed on a sample in accordance with GOST 7566.
If unsatisfactory results are obtained from at least one of the indicators of mechanical properties, repeated tests are carried out on it on two other samples taken from the same melting. If the results of repeated tests are unsatisfactory, two new samples obtained from the same batch after repeated heat treatment may be tested.
7 Test methods
7.1 The chemical composition of the alloy is determined in accordance with GOST 12344 — GOST 12348, GOST 12350, GOST 12352 — GOST 12354, GOST 29095, GOST 28473 or other methods that provide the required accuracy of determination. Sampling for determining the chemical composition — according to GOST 7565.
7.2. The dimensions of the bars are checked by measuring instruments, which ensure the necessary accuracy of measurements.
7.3. The quality of the surface of the rods is controlled visually.
7.4 The control of mechanical properties is carried out on two cast samples according to GOST 1497.
8 Packing, labeling, transportation and storage
8.1 Packing, marking, transportation and storage — according to GOST 7566.
8.2. The rods are supplied in strong containers — metal drums or boxes. Gross weight — not more than 150 kg.
In each container for two bars indelible paint or brand is marked, including the alloy and melting number.
It is possible to supply rods in bundles tied with wire. In this case, the marking is applied to each rod.
8.3 A label is attached to each package with the indication:
— the manufacturer and (or) the trademark;
— alloy grades;
— lot numbers;
— Net mass;
— Release dates.
8.4. The rods are transported by covered vehicles of all types in accordance with GOST 7566.
8.5 Transport marking — according to GOST 14192 with indication of the main, additional and information inscriptions, carried out waterproof paint on the cargo or labels, securely attached to the cargo.
8.6. The bars shall be stored in warehouses at a temperature of 5 ° C to 40 ° C, with a relative humidity of not more than 80%, in the absence of alkaline, acidic and other corrosive impurities in the air.