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GOST 14204-69

GOST 14204−69 Device for separation of arsenic in steels, cast irons and alloys. Specifications (with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3, 4)

GOST 14204−69
Group П66




Instrument for separation of arsenic in steels, casts irons and alloys. Specifications

Date of introduction 1970−01−01


1. DEVELOPED by Independent design-technological Bureau on designing of devices and apparatus made of glass (SKTB SP)


M. V. Lipatov, A. A. Romaschin, K. D. Kutusheva (supervisor)

2. INTRODUCED by the Ministry of instrumentation, automation and control systems, USSR

3. Promulgated by Decree of the Committee of standards, measures and measuring devices under Council of Ministers of the USSR from 07.02.69 N 171

4. INSTEAD OF OST 10060−39


The designation of the reference document referenced
Item number
GOST 166−89
GOST 427−75
GOST 5244−79
GOST 7329−91
GOST 7933−89
GOST 7995−80
GOST 8273−75
4.2, 4.6
GOST 8682−93
GOST 8828−89
GOST 9347−74
GOST 9569−79
GOST 10354−82
4.2, 4.6
GOST 13020.12−85
GOST 13151.11−77
GOST 14192−96
4.4, 4.5
GOST 15150−69
GOST 15155−89
GOST 16272−79
4.2, 4.6
GOST 21400−75
2.2, 3.5
GOST 22536.6−88
GOST 24018.6−80
GOST 24634−81
4.2, 4.5
GOST 25336−82
GOST 25535−82

6. PROVEN in 1991, the Limit of actions taken by the Resolution of Gosstandart from 05.07.91 N 1213

7. REPRINT (January 1999) with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3, 4, approved in April 1972, August 1979, February 1981, July 1986 (IUS 5−72, 9 to 79, 4−81, 10−86)

This standard applies to glass a device for the separation of arsenic, used in the analysis of non-alloy steel and cast iron according to GOST 22536.6, ferrochromium, ferromolybdenum according to GOST 13151.11, chromium metal according to GOST 13020.12, heat-resistant alloys on a Nickel basis for GOST 24018.6, manufactured for the needs of the national economy and exports.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 4).


1.1. The shape and basic dimensions of the instrument should match those in hell.1−5.

Damn.1. The instrument for separation of arsenic in steels, cast irons and alloys

The instrument for separation of arsenic in steels, cast irons and alloys

ГОСТ 14204-69 Прибор для отделения мышьяка в сталях, чугунах и сплавах. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3, 4)

1 — funnel; 2 — nozzle; 3 — bulb types K1−100−19/26 GOST 25336, -1−250−19/26 GOST 25336; 4 — transport; 5 a refrigerator of the type CHF-10 GOST 25336; 6 — bubbler; 7 — glass type N-2−250 GOST 25336


Damn.2. Funnel


ГОСТ 14204-69 Прибор для отделения мышьяка в сталях, чугунах и сплавах. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3, 4)


Damn.3. Drip tray

Drip tray

ГОСТ 14204-69 Прибор для отделения мышьяка в сталях, чугунах и сплавах. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3, 4)


Damn.4. The transition

The transition

ГОСТ 14204-69 Прибор для отделения мышьяка в сталях, чугунах и сплавах. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3, 4)


Damn.5. Bubbler


ГОСТ 14204-69 Прибор для отделения мышьяка в сталях, чугунах и сплавах. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3, 4)


(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 3, 4).


2.1. Devices must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the present standard, using technical documentation approved in the established order.

2.2. The instrument must be made of clear, colorless chemical laboratory glass groups ХС2 and ХС3 according to GOST 21400. Allowed weak colored hue.

2.3. On the surface and in the thickness of the glass drip tray, a funnel and a bubbler and the transition is not allowed:

a) a bug in concentrated form;

b) swell, accompanied by inner tension, not correspond to the difference specified in clause 2.9;

C) bubbles forced with the edge of a material whose hardness is equal to the hardness of the glass or does not exceed it; bubbles with a diameter greater than 3 mm and bubbles with a diameter up to 3 mm in more than 2 pieces, not pushed through by the cutting edge;

d) the capillary is pressed with the edge of a material whose hardness is equal to the hardness of the glass or does not exceed it; the capillaries with a width of more than 0.3 mm, press the tip;

d) contaminants that Deplete the products (slag, chamotte stones, sliri);

e) nodes, followed by internal stress, does not correspond to the difference specified in clause 2.9, and nodes larger than 0.5 mm, two or more of the product.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 4).

2.4−2.8. (Deleted, Rev. N 4).

2.9. Separators, funnels, bubblers and transitions must be annealed.

The specific difference of the rays must not exceed 9 millionГОСТ 14204-69 Прибор для отделения мышьяка в сталях, чугунах и сплавах. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3, 4).

(Changed edition, Rev. N 3, 4).

2.10. Separators, funnels, bubblers and transitions must be thermally resistant to withstand the temperature drop from (100±2) to (19±1) °C.

2.11. In places the junction and bend must not be wrinkled or sagging of the glass is more than 1 mm more wall thickness.

2.12. The funnel should be evenly cut, melted or sanded.

The stem of the funnel should be cut off under an angle of (45±5)° and polished.

2.13. (Deleted, Rev. N 2).

2.14. The instruments in the package for transportation must be resistant to the impact of transport shaking with acceleration of 30 m/sГОСТ 14204-69 Прибор для отделения мышьяка в сталях, чугунах и сплавах. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3, 4)when the frequency of strikes from 80 to 120 per minute.

(Added, Rev. N 4).


2A.1. The devices shall be subjected to acceptance and periodic tests.

2A.2. If acceptance testing performed by the manufacturer on conformity to the PP.2.3 a, b, g, d, e, 2.11, 2.12, check each device.

For compliance with the PP.2.3 b, 2.9, 2.10 check at least 10% of the devices from the party.

Party consider the number of devices submitted for acceptance on the same document.

The results of random inspection extends to the whole party.

2A.3. The periodic testing performed by the manufacturer at least once a year, checking 10% of the party, but at least five devices in compliance with all requirements of this standard.

If unsatisfactory test results of at least one of the indicators should be re-tests on twice the number of flasks taken from the same batch.

The results of repeated tests are final.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 4).

Sec. 2A. (Added, Rev. N 2).


3.1−3.3. (Deleted, Rev. N 2).

3.4. Sizes appliances, glass defects (PP.1.1, 2.3, g, e) should be checked using a measuring instrument according to GOST 166 and GOST 427.

The form of the instrument, performance, glass defects (PP.1.1, 2.3 a, d) should be checked by visual inspection.

3.5. Chemical resistance glass test according to GOST 21400.

3.6. The quality of annealing of the devices (PP.2.3 b, e, 2.9) should be checked according to GOST 7329.

3.7. Thermal resistance of the devices should be checked according to GOST 25535, method B, dipping products to half their height.

3.4−3.7. (Changed edition, Rev. N 4).

3.8. The resistance of devices to vibration of the transport (p.2.14) should check the following: the instruments in the package for transportation is rigidly fixed on the platform of the test stand and tested for 2 hours.

Devices think has stood the test if after the test will not be detected by mechanical damage.

(Added, Rev. N 4).


4.1. Each instrument shall be marked clearly and is resistant to aggressive environments trademark of the manufacturer.

Marking of devices intended for export must comply with the requirements of the purchase order, the foreign trade organizations.

For devices intended for export shall be marked:

the inscription «Made in …» in the Russian language or the language specified in the purchase order, the foreign trade organizations. The inscription is allowed to apply to primary packaging;

— trademark of the manufacturer or trademark, foreign trade organizations, registered abroad in the prescribed manner.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2, 3).

4.2. Each device must be Packed in hard cardboard box with soft padding. The box with the devices should be placed with the strip of packing material in wooden boxes according to normative-technical documentation approved in the established order, or other containers that ensure their safety during transportation and storage.

This type of packaging is transport devices in containers.

Devices intended for export should be wrapped in paper A and B grades churchyard 8273, laid with soft padding in boxes of cardboard according to GOST 7933 or cardboard, grade B, GOST 9347, Packed with strip chips brand P GOST 5244 humidity of 12% in wooden boxes according to GOST 24634.

Paper for the packaging of products intended for areas with tropical climate, must meet the requirements of GOST 9569*.
* On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST 9569−2006. — Note the manufacturer’s database.

Boxes devices intended to countries with tropical climates should be enclosed in the package of polyethylene film according to GOST 10354.

The seams of the package must be formed by welding.

You may use a polyvinylchloride film according to GOST 16272.

Strip of wood products to countries with tropical climate, in accordance with the order of foreign trade organizations should be treated with preservative according to GOST 15155*.
* On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST 15155−99. — Note the manufacturer’s database.

In coordination with the customer is allowed other packaging that ensures the safety of products.

The instrument is allowed to transport with any covered transport means in conformity with the applicable transport of each species rules approved in the established order.

During transportation of the instrument plane packing in outer packagings must be made according to the order of foreign trade organizations.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2, 4).

4.3. The gross weight of the box should not exceed 50 kg.

4.4 Marking of the overpack must be made in accordance with GOST 14192.

Each box must be marked with the handling symbols corresponding to the labels «Top» and «Fragile. Caution."

(Changed edition, Rev. N 4).

4.5. Marking of the packaging must be resistant to atmospheric precipitation, must not be forgotten and to fade. Color of marking paint shall differ significantly from the color of the packaging.

Marking of transport containers for units intended for export, in accordance with the requirements of GOST 14192, GOST 24634 and order the foreign trade organizations.

4.6. Each box must have supporting documentation. The documentation must include:

a) the name and quantity of products;

b) date of issue;

in the) trademark or the name of the manufacturer;

g) designation of this standard.

For devices intended for export, shipping documentation should be prepared in Russian and foreign language, specified in the purchase order, the foreign trade organizations. The shipping documentation must be wrapped in a wrapping paper of A grade according to GOST 8273, enclosed in the package of polyethylene film the graveyard 10354. The seams of the package must be formed by welding. Allowed the polyvinylchloride film according to GOST 16272.

For products intended for countries with a tropical climate, the documentation needs to be wrapped in wrapping paper of grade A according to GOST 8273 and is Packed in two leak proof bag of polyethylene film according to GOST 10354 with the subsequent welding of the seams. Allowed the polyvinylchloride film according to GOST 16272.

Packed in a double package documentation should be wrapped in waterproof paper GOST 8828, the edges of which are glued with synthetic glue. Documentation placed in boxes with packaged products.

If a lot of devices Packed into a few boxes, the documentation is placed in box No. 1.

The packing list is placed in the package of waterproof paper GOST 8828 and placed in a special pocket of the box.

For devices in countries with tropical climate, a packing sheet placed in the package of polyethylene film according to GOST 10354, the seams of which are welded securely. The package is further wrapped in waterproof paper GOST 8828 and placed in the pocket box.

4.5, 4 6. (Changed edition, Rev. N 2, 4).

4.7. Appliances should be stored indoors, protected from atmospheric precipitation.

4.8. Transportation and storage appliances — in the group of 6 storage conditions in accordance with GOST 15150.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 4).


5.1. The manufacturer guarantees the conformity of devices with the requirements of this standard if the conditions of operation, storage and transportation.

The warranty period is 18 months from the date of putting the devices into operation, and for devices intended for export, — 12 months from the moment of traversing of the device through the state border.

Section 5. (Added, Rev. N 4).

E-text of the document prepared
JSC «Code» and checked by:
the official publication of the
M.: IPK Publishing house of standards, 1999