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Steel 20ps


Steel 20ps

Steel 20ps: brand of steels and alloys. Below is the systematized information on the purpose, chemical composition, types of supplies, substitutes, temperature of critical points, physical, mechanical, technological and casting properties for the grade — Steel 20ps.

General information of steel 20ps

Substitute brand
steel 15kp
Delivery type
Long products, including shaped: GOST 2590−71, GOST 2879−69, GOST 19772−74, GOST 19771−74, GOST 8278−75, GOST 8281−80, GOST 8282−83, GOST 8283−77, GOST 10702 -78. Calibrated bar GOST 7417−75, GOST 8560−78, GOST 10702−78. Polished bar and silver bar GOST 14955−77, GOST 10702−78. Thick sheet GOST 19903−74, GOST 4041−71, GOST 1577−81. Thin sheet GOST 19903−74, GOST 16523−70, GOST 19904−74. Tape GOST 10234−77. Strip GOST 82−70, GOST 103−76, GOST 1577−81. Wire GOST 17305−71, GOST 2771−81, GOST 3282−74, GOST 5663−79. Pipes GOST 10705−80, GOST 10704−91.
Without heat treatment or after normalization — pipes, fittings, plugs, bolts, flanges, apparatus bodies and other parts made of boiling steel, operating from -20 to 425 ° C; after carburizing and cyanidation — parts that require high surface hardness and low core strength (axles, fasteners, pins, sprockets, etc.).

Chemical composition of steel 20ps

Chemical element %
Silicon (Si) 0.05−0.17
Manganese (Mn) 0.35−0.65
Copper (Cu), no more 0.25
Arsenic (As), no more 0.08
Nickel (Ni), no more 0.25
Sulfur (S), no more 0.04
Carbon (C) 0.17−0.24
Phosphorus (P), no more 0.035
Chromium (Cr), no more 0.25

Mechanical properties of steel 20ps

Heat treatment, delivery condition σ B, MPa δ 5 ,% ψ,% HB
Calibrated and calibrated steel with special finishing after annealing or tempering 390−490   50 163
Calibrated and calibrated steel with special finishing after spheroidizing annealing 345−440   50 163
Steel calibrated and calibrated with a special finish, work-hardened without heat treatment 490 7 45 197
Normalized or hot rolled strips 380 27 55  
Heat-treated sheets of the 1st-2nd category 345−490 28   127

Mechanical properties of steel after HTT

Section, mm σ 0.2, MPa σ B, MPa δ 5 ,% ψ,% KCU, J / m 2 HB HRC e
Cementation 920−950 ° C, quenching 800−820 ° C, water, tempering 180−200 ° C, air.
50 295 490 sixteen 40 49 156 55−63

Technological properties of steel 20ps

Forging temperature
Beginning 1280, end 750. Air cooling.
It can be welded without restrictions (except for HTO parts). Welding methods: RDS, ADS submerged arc and gas shielded, KTS.
Machinability by cutting
In hot-rolled condition at HB 130 K υ tv.spl. = 1.7 and K υ = 1.6.
Tendency to release ability
Not inclined.
Flock sensitivity
Not sensitive.

Temperature of critical points of steel 20ps

Critical point ° C
Ac1 735
Ac3 850
Ar3 835
Ar1 680

Impact strength of steel 20ps

Impact strength, KCU, J / cm 2

Delivery status, heat treatment +20 -20 -40 -60
Strip 12 mm thick. Quenching, tempering 257 200−223 170−304 174
Strip 12 mm thick. Normalization, vacation 225−230 131−180 127−147 9−80
Strip 12 mm thick. Annealing 132−143 41 fifteen fifteen

Physical properties of steel 20ps

Test temperature, ° С 20 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Normal elastic modulus, E, GPa 212 208 203 197 189 177 163 140    
Density of steel, pn, kg / m 3   7834 7803 7770 7736 7699 7659 7617 7624 7600
Thermal conductivity coefficient W / (m ° С)   51 49 44 43 39 36 32 26 26
Ud. electrical resistance (p, Nom. m)   219 292 381 487 601 758 925 1094 1135
Test temperature, ° С 20−100 20−200 20−300 20−400 20−500 20−600 20−700 20−800 20−900 20−1000
Linear expansion coefficient (a, 10−6 1 / ° С) 12.3 13.1 13.8 14.3 14.8 15.1 15.2      
Specific heat (C, J / (kg ° C)) 486 498 514 533 555 584 636 703 703 695

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